The Awkward Momment: Cute girl...what do I say to her...
Once again i apologise fr the delay in updating.. certain problems like no internet, aprob with de police,etc etc have kept my mind of writing... anyways here's a brand new one hope u enjoy....
Hook a woman in with, “I’ve noticed something
interesting about you.” Stop talking and wait for
her to respond with curiosity
Look at a woman’s palm and say, “Hmm, that’s
really interesting.” Put her hand down & don’t tell
her what you see- let her beg you with curiosity
When a woman asks you, “What you do?” have
her try to guess- then tell her that you model
men’s underwear( now we all know how to use humor right?)
Play on a woman’s curiosity- “You know what
they say about women who are blond/brunette/short/tall (just make something up)?
– No? Oh, I can’t tell you here, maybe later”
Use curiosity to make sure a woman shows up
for the next date- promise you’ll tell her a secret
next time you see her
Talk about relationships & rumors with women-
“Did you know Pamela and Tommy are back
together? Do you think J-Lo will stay married
this time?”
Tell stories with moments of intrigue and
surprise to take women on an emotional
journey- and end on a note of laughter
Relationships are what make stories interesting not
what you did. Talk about the people you met
and how you interacted with them
Separate yourself from the other guys- have
three laugh-evoking, interesting stories
memorized and ready to tell women
Don’t quiz a girl by asking her 20 questions(this aint an interview you know).
Share your own experiences and then have her
share hers
Don’t sound monotone & bored in a
conversation- if you talk about something
exciting, sound excited- if something shocking,
sound shocked
Women love to talk about torrid love affairs- read
the tabloids to know what the celebrities are up
If you don’t know what to say, ask a woman how
she would spend her holiday if she were filthy
rich without any limitations- let her fantasize
In conversation talk about what you like to eat
and drink. Food talk is like sexual foreplay to
If you bring up sexual topics and you feel
awkward or nervous, the girl will too- relax and
the sex talk will flow on its own
Ask a woman you’re dating what makes her feel
sexy. She’ll reveal valuable information on how
to further seduce her
If a woman seems put-off by a sexual question
or story, do not apologize- just make her
comfortable with more light, playful conversation
Don’t agree with everything the woman says just
to agree with her. Women like strong men who
express their own opinions
Good conversation needs relaxed playfulnessthen,
there’s no such thing as a blunder
Drop the fact casually that you read palms in
conversation and the woman will ask YOU to
read her palm
Buy a small digital camera for your back pocket.
Take pics with your dates doing fun things and
show the pics to future girls you meet
Women love animals- make up some funny,
loving stories about your real or imaginary pets
Challenge her to a game of thumb wrestling or
‘rock, scissors, paper’. Yes it’s silly, and girls
love it
Women like the supernatural and unknown- talk
about reiki, reflexology, palm reading, spirits or
ghosts and have a few stories to tell
Don’t ask yes/no questions like “Can I have your
number?” or “Do you like me?” Never put the
power of “no” into a woman’s hands
Avoid the usual boring questions like “What do
you do?”, “How many sisters do you have?”
Think outside the box
Women like stories because stories entertain.
Notice how as a child, you were read STORIES?
Notice how as an adult, you watch TV for
“The Apprentice”, “The Bachelor”, and
“Desperate Housewives” are all about people
interactions- be your own television show
Like a professional comedian, recycle 90% of
your conversational material with every girl,
testing new bits as you go
Engage a woman’s imagination - talk about
travel, the beach, your road trip, spelunking,
skydiving, anyplace outside of her boring reality
Learn to read women’s palms- it’s good for 5
minutes of discussion time and a great way to
touch her hands
Present women with a false choice- “So would
you like to meet me for coffee tomorrow or meet
me at my place on Saturday?”
Don’t talk about what you “do”- that’s boring.
Talk about what you’ve accomplished
Double commands like “Give me your number
and meet me for lunch tomorrow,” can’t be
refused- after all, which would she be refusing?
Fractionate your conversation- one moment be
playful and lighthearted, another show deep
insight, the next a brat. Keep the girl on her toes
Give the girl a self-image to live up to: “Wow,
you’re really fun, creative and spontaneous.”
She’ll want to live up to the good image you
gave her
Ask a group, “So how do you all know each
other?” It gets the girls talking and you find out
which ones are single
When girls are sitting say “I need a female
opinion, but have just a minute” Sit down with
them and they’ll be cool- then just anyway
When a girl says something you like, say “That’s
so cool!” then high-five her. She’ll bond with you
right on the spot
If you’re talking to a girl and a second girl enters
the set, tell the first “Introduce me to your friend”
so that you don’t become the third wheel
Ask a girl whether you should floss before you
brush or brush before you floss and have a
playful debate about it
Never ask a girl “Do you like me?” That’s just
lame. Assume she likes you and she will
because of your confidence
Conversation is as much about the vibe you
project as the words themselves- relax, be
playful, and have fun no matter what happens
Talk about clothes and fashion- tell the girl what
you find stylish and point out what you like about
her clothes
As a brain teaser, have a girl tell you how many
9s are in 100 (by the way, the answer is 20-
figure it out!)
Covertly build yourself into the girl’s future- “Just
imagine six months from now when we’re
walking along the beach…”
To tell a story effectively, involve your entire
body in expressing the emotion- wave your
hands and gesture your arms to emphasize words
If the girl is insulting to you, don’t get angry,
defend your ego, or call the girl names. Have the
power to walk away relaxed and leave her dry
If you hit an awkward silence, playfully tell the
girl with a smile, “I hate you” Watch how the
silence vanishes
When you see a group of girls tell them, “So
which one of you is the coolest?” The girl who
responds first, read her palm as a reward
simple yet effective
8 years ago