Friday, April 30, 2010

THE CUBE...(powerful stuff here...note: girls it may not make sense to you but it works!!)

The Cube is a game. Recently, I asked my friends what results they’ve had with the cube. The stories are all different, but they all agree: Women will thank you for it. Women will remember it. Women will feel that you really understand them. And, women will want more. Those who use the cube know its power, and it has been their secret weapon.

So, what is it? Well, the cube is a game of questions and symbols. It is five
simple questions of imagination that will allow you to lead a woman deeper and deeper into a seduction. For the origins of the Cube a person could read through The Secrets of the Cube, by Annie Gottlieb. But, the guy will find that he doesn’t need to understand the traditional use of the cube. He only needs to know how to use this secret seduction weapon.

Now, the Cube can be used at anytime in a seduction…

It can be used as a playful game to build attraction (by teasing a girl for her
answers and making your interpretations funny and unrealistic.) And, it can also be used in the deepest phases of seduction to lead a woman’s mind into her sexual desires (by making your interpretations sexual and erotic). However, what we are going to focus on here is using the cube to build trust and comfort. Most pick up artists will agree that the cube serves the greatest purpose for developing this kind of real connection with a woman you just met. It starts fun and playful as a game, and it ends by leading the conversation into deeper and deeper levels of rapport. Building this type of rapport is the real strength of the Cube.

The Seven Powers of the Cube
So, what is the purpose of the Cube? And why do women consistently react so well to it? Basically, what can the cube do for you? Well, the Cube will have many effects on your seduction…

1) Avoid Boredom - One of the most common mistakes that guys make is to fall into a boring conversation. To find out about the woman, all they can think of are the same old questions… “Where do you live? What do you do? What else do you do? Etc, etc…” The Cube offers a unique piece of conversation that will move away from facts and information, and into more emotional topics. It will lead to a discussion of things that are more meaningful and important to her.

2) Hook Her - Women LOVE these kinds of games. You might think it is cheesy, or too New-Age. But, trust me… Women get hooked. Look through any women’s magazine, and I guarantee you will see little personality tests and games. The magazines know what women like, and we should too. The cube will help you hook her into your conversation, and can even be an excuse to isolate her: “Come with me, I’m going to show you something cool…”

3) Demonstrate Value and Personality - You will demonstrate a lot of value to the girl when you use the cube. Most simply, you are a man who leads the conversation, and already this is attractive. But, on an even deeper level, you can demonstrate that you understand women and what they want. You show that you are not like all the other guys. And, through your own personal interpretation of the cube you reveal your own personality and who you are.

4) Build a Connection - The Cube will help build a connection and a feeling of rapport. A woman who shares her cube with you is giving you a gift. It’s a gift of insight into who she really is. She will be in a vulnerable state. As you learn about her and reveal things about yourself, she will see that you understand her. And, as she sees how you accept her gift and accept her, she will begin to trust you more. Sharing this vulnerability with her will create a bond that most guys would probably never get.

5) Qualify Her - The woman will assume that you must be qualifying her. Women often say that they were worried if they gave “the right answer.” She knows that you are paying close attention to her answers, and she will really feel like you are choosing and selecting her. This is so valuable in conveying that you are a guy who has options and who has standards. In addition, you will really get a chance to listen to her and find out what you like about her.

6) Learn About Her - You will elicit what is important to her. All of the information that she gives you can be used later on in the seduction. The more you know about her, the more you will know how to seduce her.

7) Leave Her Wanting More – Once a woman experiences the Cube, she will associate the experience with YOU. And, she will want more of you and the experiences you bring. In fact, if you get interrupted in the middle of the cube, don’t sweat it. She will come back to you, asking to finish. She will want more. Keep these effects in mind as you learn and practice the Cube. Everything you say when using the Cube should be directed toward invoking these 7 powers.

The Design of the Cube
By now, it should be obvious that the details of the game are not nearly as
important as how you play. The structure will have many variations, and
everyone will play it differently. And that’s fine. Notice, the power of the Cube isn’t to “be correct” or to give “the right interpretation.” - There are no right or wrong Cubes.

So, this is how I do the Cube. You can structure it how you like, and find what works best for you.

“Have you ever done the cube?... Ok… I'll ask you a set of questions, and when I'm done I'll know everything about you. Are you ready? Do you have a good imagination? …Good.” (The idea here is not to explain it, but just to get her hooked.)

“Now, imagine in front of you a landscape” (I’ll usually gesture with my hand for them to imagine it in front of them). “And in the landscape there is a cube. Notice what size is it, what color is it? What is it made of? Where is it?”

“Ok, next you see a ladder. Notice, where is it in relation to the cube? What is it made of? What size is it?”

“Next there are flowers. Where are they? How many? What do they look like? What color are they?”

“Next, there is a horse. What does it look like? Where is it? What is it doing?”

“And, last there is a storm. Where is it? What is it doing? What does it look like?”

When she has visualized the entire image, then you can tell her the meanings.

They are:
Cube = Your Self
Ladder = Your Aspirations
Flowers = Your Friends
Horse = Your Ideal Lover
Storm = Your Challenges and Problems
Now, the routine I use doesn’t follow the original book, and you shouldn’t either. Do what feels best for you. You can use a desert or a movie theater instead of a landscape. You can introduce it by saying “I’ll know more about you than even your best friends know.” Or “have you ever been cubed?”

You can have her close her eyes, or draw it out.

Some people may also use different meanings. (Ladder = family, or coworkers, etc…) It’s all fine. Just remember, you want to talk about things that will invoke the proper emotions in her, so avoid talking about things like children or enemies, etc…

Unraveling the Cube
So, it is one thing to know the rules of the Cube. It’s one thing to know the meanings, and the images. But, the question remains: “What do I do? Just make stuff up?”

Well, what DO you say?

There are plenty of resources that will offer you exact interpretations. But, these really shouldn’t be necessary. Remember, the point isn’t to “do it right.” The key is in giving your own interpretation, and this interpretation can be developed from your own mind, not from what a book tells you. However, if you are curious about suggested meanings, you can read the original book or check out this link:

Ok, since you’re not going to follow the memorized meanings what do you say?

Well, here are some suggestions.

* You can be vague and use generalities – Just talk about women in general, and this will still have a powerful effect because she will relate to it. And, she will realize that you understand people, you understand women, and you understand her.
You’re cube is xxxxxx. You are a very sensitive person. Probably you are a very good judge of character and you can tune into those times when people just want something from you. While other times you can really feel when a person is being sincere with you. (This describes any socially aware woman.)

* You can ask clarifying questions. Ask her, and she might tell you exactly what something means, doing your job for you. Ask her how she feels about the objects, or ask how they relate to each other.
Her: “My horse is leaning against the cube.”
You: “Really? Why is it leaning against the cube?”
Her: “Well, it’s just not strong enough.”
You: “Oh, I see. It seems like the men in your life haven’t been strong enough. You need a man who you can just look into his eyes and listen to him talk, and you know that he is strong… Etc… etc...”

* When you find aspects of the interpretation that really fit her, go into greater detail. Tell stories from your life that relate to her, or give her examples of how she might experience it in her life.
“You are a very creative person, but you’re not at a point in your life right now where you are really using your creative abilities. It reminds me of how I felt a couple of years ago. I was working in this job that just wasn’t creative, and I…. Etc…”

* Use things that you already know about her.
I met a girl last night whom I liked Later, I ran the cube on her, and she said that her cube was blue. I said “A blue cube means that you are often calm and relaxed. And, sometimes your friends even come to you just to absorb your calm energy when their lives are more hectic.” Of course, she loved it.

* And… you can…. use your… intuition. Yep. Go for it. Be like the enlightened master who has become one with his weapon and allow the force to flow through you. You might not only surprise her, but yourself too.

* Keep your statements positive. In general, you want to phrase everything as a positive statement. If you really want to tell a woman that she has low sel festeem and that her life is out of control and hopeless, go ahead. But don’t come asking me why she was suddenly turned off and depressed! It may take some creativity to keep things positive, but it can be done.

I’ll give you an example. If she says she doesn’t like the cube and she doesn’t think it belongs in the scene, you might be thinking “oh crap, she hates herself?” No. You can tell her “well, when people see you they often want you to fit you into a category with defined boundaries and hard edges, but that’s not who you are. You are independent and when you find yourself being put into a box, you know that it’s not where you belong.”

* One trick for keeping the interpretation positive is to interpret her ideal as being the opposite of what she describes.

For example: a weak and sickly horse means that she has had too many weak men in her life, and she really needs one that is strong and healthy.

* Add lots of Kino and strong Eye Contact. When you are bonding with a woman on this level, it is important to keep enhancing this experience by getting physically intimate with her.

(Note f - when she answers a question that you feel you could qualify her on, kino escalate. They have to notice the 'slight' change in your body language towards her. DO this each time she tells you something you like to hear or commonalities you both share. This is really powerful as it shows they are also slowly winning you over. It sets the meta frame of the interaction that you are screening her and she is qualifying herself to you)

* Take advantage of the horse. It is a great time to demonstrate that you know what women want. If her horse isn’t ideal, then tell her it is an image of what she has attracted to her in the past, and what she really wants is actually the opposite. As you describe her ideal man, and get her thinking about it. Look into her eyes and take on that character as yourself. She will naturally start to see you as that man.

* Burst the tension now and then with a little cocky and playful comment. By making a joke or teasing her, you will keep it fun and keep her interested. Just be careful because she may be in a very vulnerable state to be sharing with you, so don’t over do it. An example: “The Cube means that…. (pause) …. You want my body. (smile)”

* Start the interpretation with a bold (but irrefutable) statement about who she is and where she is in her life. This can be powerful and will demonstrate your authority and understanding.

* Use all of the little parts to get a bigger picture of her. Try to get a broad sense of who she is as a person, and then you can use that understanding to lead your interpretation.

* Lead her into emotional states. Using descriptive languaging, you can get her thinking and feeling on a deeper level. One way to do this is to take a general statement like “you are adventurous.” And then go on to describe what it’s like to be adventurous and how it feels. “You are adventurous. You know, like when you are in the middle of an adventure you really feel alive. As the excitement builds, you become focused on what you’re doing, and you get totally wrapped up in what is happening…etc.”

* Share with her, and get into the state yourself. If you get into a vulnerable state and reveal things to her, she will follow your lead. As part of this you may want to relate stories that are meaningful to you.

* Share your own Cube. Do the cube on yourself and be ready to share your answers with her if she asks.

* When getting started, it may help to memorize a few ideas that you can use every time. For example, you can always talk about women’s intuition, or how she wants a strong confident man. As you do the cube more and more, you will begin to develop your own interpretations that always get good responses, and you can have these in store for every time you use the cube.

* Work with her, and go with what she says. You can use everything that she gives you, no matter what she says. If she says that the horse has a great cock, tell her that her ideal lover will be a great fuck. Go with it.

* Set the mood so that she feels good sharing. There is no need to rush the cube or feel awkward in anyway. Use your calm trust building tonality, and keep her feeling comfortable.

* Find commonalities and develop your connection with her. Since you are learning about each other, this is a great time to find out what you have in common.

* Don’t fall into the trap of being the entertainer. Don’t proceed to cube all of her friends, and her little sister. You’re not her novelty psychic friend.

* Practice to get better. The more you do it, the better you will get, because you will find that many responses are very common. Cube your friends, your mom, your mailman, whoever…

* Tell her that her cube is unique, and you can even say “well, usually, that would mean this… but with you, I think it’s a little different.” or… “Wow, that’s such an interesting image.” Then, she will really feel special, and she will think that you are giving her a very special gift.

* Don’t reveal everything. Leave parts out, or hint that there is something more. Always leave her wanting more. Do all this, and you will know why the Cube is our secret weapon. You will discover its power and find yourself using it on every girl you meet.I feel guilty about this... sometimes I wonder if this is like giving dynamite to a baby...

Enjoy! and play safe


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Having Guy trouble? here's one for de Girls XD

My Cartoon!!
This is a long yet good story (For girls only!!!) :P
Tons of women do it!

And it must leave them feeling awful... I wonder if you do it too?

I'm talking about women who hide their true feelings from a man and fear sharing their desire for a closer relationship and for love. Ever felt this way?

It's happens when you won't communicate directly with a man about your feelings because you think you'll"scare him away". Unfortunately, you're right.... it could scare him away. The way you talk to a man about a relationship turns out to be THE BIGGEST MISTAKE ANY WOMAN CAN MAKE WITH A MAN.

I'll come back to this giant mistake in just a quick second...

First, I'd like to talk about what I've seen in the dating world as a guy and share a story with you. I've had women communicate their feelings with mein all sorts of different ways from joy to anger to frustration, and I know what each one does to a man. There's a pattern to the dating experiences that I'd like to share.


(let's pretend I'm the man in this story and you're the woman) You and I meet. We both like each other.(lucky me!) Feelings develop for us both on several levels. (physically, emotionally, socially)

You try to be "patient" and not express too many feelings and what you want to play it cool. We have a great "connection", but we never talk about what we want in our future around dating, a relationship or marriage. Time goes by and things are great for us.

Eventually, you begin to see that you're not getting what you want from me in the relationship. You want more, but you're scared of talking to me about it because you don't know where I'm at. You're scared because I've talked to you about all the bad experiences I've had with women in the past. You don't want to ruin the good things we have going and rock the boat. And I use my past issues to tell you that I'm not looking for much more than what we have right now.

So you don't say anything to me directly to communicate what's going on for you and your feelings. I don't say anything either. (of course, I'm a man!!) You become frustrated and confused that I'm not acting how I used to act. Things begin to change with the way I treat you. I don't pay as much attention to you anymore. I don't surprise you or bring you flowers anymore. I'm tired everyday after work and just want to watch tv when I get home. I call you less frequently. I don't initiate sex as much anymore.

You even consider that I could be seeing someone else. And after a few months - I've become distant. So what happens next? You decide you're not happy with where things are and it's time to have a talk about where we're at.

But you're SCARED of expressing your feelings about what you want, so you let things build up inside you until you begin to let your frustrations with me show. And to wrap the story up... You make THE BIGGEST MISTAKE YOU CAN MAKE WITH A MAN...

You start a conversation about the relationship and then you let me have it! (you get upset and lose your cool with me)

All your desires, fears, frustrations and dreamspour out in one big emotional explosion... This "Big Mistake" can take the form of arguing and yelling, but not exclusively. Sometimes it's just extreme intensity, perhaps tears.

It might include:

Complaining about the current state of the relationship

Talking about the things he does wrong with you

Showing your frustrations about what you feel is missing

Becoming upset that he doesn't feel how you'd like him to feel

Bringing up past issues, arguments or disappointments

But it always creates a lot of emotional tension and "drama". Especially in the guys mind. This is THE LAST THING you want to do with a man. That tension that's created stays with him, and he NEVER forgets it. In his mind, he now thinks of you as "hysterical" and full of issues. His mind defines you by what he saw in your behavior, and it scares him.

Yep, I know it's not fair, but it's the man's weird and twisted reality... I've heard hundreds, maybe thousands, of men talk about this exact perception of a woman and how they fear being with a woman who they think will make this giant mistake. Yeah, I know... it's inmature, selfish and not fair of the man, but it's the truth of the situation.

So, how do you avoid this....? I'll tell you how in THREE EASY STEPS.

Step 1) You Need To Understand What's Going On Inside The Mind Of Your Man....

Let me tell it to you straight, as a man...

Women secretly believe that their connection with a man will "naturally" turn into something deeper without any communication taking place. Honestly, this isn't how it works for us men.

If you're "assuming" you have a relationship, and that he feels like you do, you're wrong. Men don't assume that a connection, being together, spending quality time and all the rest means they're in a committed relationship. Some men do, but not most.

For a man to know he's in a committed relationship,and understand the things YOU want in that relationship, you have to communicate EVERYTHING to him in CLEAR AND DIRECT words. Yeah, that's right... You have to put yourself out there and be vulnerable. Scary!

And it's not luck that women in great relationships have used to communicate with men about their feelings. That's right, they've taken time to find the right information and to learn to integrate it into their thinking and behavior. It's not easy, but there's help.

Step 2) You Need To Understand What Causes You To Make The "Big Mistake"

EVERYONE wants to have THEIR needs met first. It's basic human nature. But being able to delay your gratification is an AMAZING thing to develop in your life. (in every part of your life!)

Most people (men and women) want to talk, talk, talk about what THEY think and what THEY want.

What can cause YOU to make "The Big Mistake" is focusing on what you want the relationship to be, without honestly andcritically considering your man's perspective at the same time. When you do this with a man, you are subconsciously telling him that you're more interested in your feelings and what YOU want than his feelings and what he wants. And men can read and pick up on women who do this instantly.

I see this all the time at work. when someone calls me who wants something from me I can pick it up instantly and it puts me slightly on the defensive. But if they've done their "homework" on me and what I'm looking for, it changes the whole situation the second they show me they've thought about what I want.

You've got to learn to listen and understand where's he'sat and where's he's coming from. It might sound cliche', but the cliche' is a around for a reason. It works! Patience, empathy and understanding are the first steps towards creating the relationship you dream about.

But you've got to be careful to not become the woman who gives him everything he wants and gets walked on. Use your common sense and intuition to safeguard yourself - a woman's perceptive abilities aren't used enough, so put these strong tools to good use!

Step 3) How To Avoid Making This Mistake

Let me give you a vital piece of information when dealing with men....

Men are CLUELESS when it comes to identifying the things that are "obvious" to women in dating and relationships. I would know. It's taken me ten years to begin to understand these things for myself - and I spend a LOT of time thinking about it.

So we know men are AWFUL at initiating and participating in conversations about relationships. Sorry to break the bad news, but it's almost always up to you to make this communication happen.

It's important to remember to approach the entire conversation from the perspective of talking about what you want AND what HE wants. If you can make a guy feel like you put his feelings and needs first in this conversation, and always consider what he wants, I promise he will LOVE YOU for it!

There's no rule that says you can't consider another persons opinions and feelings first in order to get what you want. In fact, a key goal in negotiating is to let the other person talk first.

When you get to listen first, you ALWAYS have the advantage. You know exactly what the other person wants - and knowledge is power. I'm not saying you are necessarily negotiating here with a man, but some of the same rules and principles about people and psychology apply. When you talk to a man from a positive place of listening first, he will be 10,000 times more receptive to what you have to say and want once you bring it up than if you approach him from a place of hurt, neediness and fear.

Ask a positive question or give a positive statement such as, "Honey, I was thinking today that I was happy to be with you." It might sound submissive, corny or difficult to say to someone you're having a tough time with, but think about it... If you're going through all the trouble to worry so much about the future with this person, this is already what you're thinking.

Good luck ladies... more post for the girls coming soon :D

Saturday, April 17, 2010

To Play The Game, You have To be A Player..

“Faint heart never won fair lady.”

Now, this timeless proverb could be construed in a variety of ways. The most common interpretation of the adage is that we must be bold at times; bravery and courage are virtues, while cowardice is a vice. However, it’s not simply about taking a chance, it’s about enforcing your will or taking a firm hold on the reigns, thereby giving you the edge in a typical flirting encounter. Nobody likes a jerk, but a classy jerk is a very different animal because he’s an individual who doesn’t follow classic social mores in the realm of courtesy, but still maintains his Player image as a gentleman. But how does one walk the fine line between offensive and irresistible? What is the key to coming across as slightly abrasive while keeping your reputation as a class act? And, of course, how can this translate to Player success?

To break it down to the simplest terms, being a classy jerk is just about being a little different. We always use a variety of techniques when courting women, but most of them revolve around similar requirements, such as politeness, cordial banter, compliments, and so on. Therefore, you can shake things up by tickling a woman’s heartstrings in a different way. The traditional way plucks the visible and obvious strings, but the underhanded or opposite way strikes a chord with the strings in the rear -- and that could lead to a whole new experience. The following are several approaches to use when approaching a target, and all of them border on dangerously offensive, so be sure to follow the guidelines to the letter.

Be the modern bad boy
This is a new day and age, so abandon the theory that women will immediately respond to the played-out rebel role; instead, take on a more modernized version of the quintessential James Dean character. You may also want to assume the role of the uncaring, freewheeling, independent soul. Nothing really bothers you, and all you really live for is the ladies and an occasional thrill, be it legal or otherwise. Silly little rules don’t get in your way; you simply ignore them every once in a while. Life is often too predictable -- you like to be spontaneous and unscheduled. It’s a Player persona that works wonders more often than you might think, primarily because it appeals to her underlying desire to just cut loose every once in a while. This can lead to our next tip, which centers entirely on a classy form of selfishness (no, really).

You care about one person
Before we leap into an operational definition, let’s clarify one thing right off the bat: Caring about yourself doesn’t mean you are hostile or overtly offensive, it simply means you’re hedonistic to the max. Essentially, you’re not out to make people miserable, you’re out to make yourself happy. Make sure you understand the distinction before embarking on the “classy-selfishness” endeavor. Without any doubt, women tend to despise men who are self-involved and egotistical, but if you’re careful, you can pull this off with appropriate behavior. You’re attempting to prove that you’re just out to enjoy life, and you don’t have the time to quibble about trivialities. Life is short, and it only makes sense to seize every day by the horns and make yourself happy, so to hell with what anyone else thinks.

Ultimately, it’s your schedule that matters, it’s your time that matters and it’s your life you focus on. As far as you’re concerned, she can either accept that or hit the road. This is a timeless Player attitude.

Nice guys finish last
It’s not the bad boy act and it’s not a chain of negative hits with a twist -- this is all about enforcing your will and being so obvious that it borders on offensive or scandalous. You want her, and you’re not interested in small talk or making a pithy comment about the weather. You don’t care what she’s wearing, nor do you care what color her eyes are. If she’s fishing for compliments, she’s with the wrong person. For you, the standard flirting ritual has been reduced to a very simple philosophy: Dating and commitment aren’t in your vocabulary. One night of hot sex is all you want, and she’s gonna know it.

In short, if you want to be a classy jerk, you don’t waste your time with niceties, you’re an arrow to the target and there’s no deviating from the path. She might appreciate your honesty and candor, and above all else, she will be immensely flattered by your overpowering interest. You’re not heaping praise on her, but your very attitude is one big, fat compliment -- regardless of how close it comes to breaking those invisible courting rules.

The over-the-top approach
I’m not suggesting you go crazy and start taking unnecessary risks (that’s a bit extreme), but risk-taking may be part of the equation. You’re going for a style that fits between raging party animal and passionate yet tender suitor. This is all about exuding confidence in everything that you do, and while the classic style is humble and sweet, this is more of an old-fashioned “man” approach. You are the man. You work hard, party hard and love hard. Some may view this as being a “jerk,” but it’s simply confidence and self-assurance on a grand scale. You take everything one step further than any normal individual, and that goes for everything, be it work or leisure activities. If she likes hiking, you talk about your rock-climbing endeavors. If she’s playing hard to get, you play hard to get her. If she mentions her love of Mexican food, you drive her across the damn border. Get the picture?

Play the role of the “I-hate-everything" artist
Let’s say you’re a musician or an aspiring actor. You should take advantage of that chosen profession to toss a little “Colin Farrell” at her. For whatever reason, throughout history, women have been attracted to the kind of man who rarely smiles, has a chip on his shoulder the size of Montana, and always adopts a bored visage while in public. You’re adopting the “artsy” persona, where you’re critical of just about everything, but aren’t loud or visibly annoyed. The world sucks, and there isn’t anything you can do about it, so why not have a little fun before you die? Just don’t step over the line into a sort of paranoid psychosis -- keep this little act reigned in lest you frighten her away. You want her to be intrigued by your withdrawn, frowning demeanor, not freaked out.

For the most part, women view men in an artistic field as sensitive, thus, regardless of whether or not that’s the case, why stomp all over her assumption? Reinforce that belief, and you’ll reap the rewards of your efforts.

You’re a Player, and she’s going to know it
So you’ve successfully lined up the aircraft for your Player approach, and now you simply have to land it. In order to close the deal, I suggest taking things a step further; this one goes beyond confidence because you’re actually crowing about your recent successes. Normally, bragging about previous conquests to a potential conquest is a cardinal sin of the pickup specialist, but we’re all about breaking new ground here. You’ve bagged a lot of women, and you expect her to be appropriately impressed. Think about it: There must be something at least mildly appealing about you if so many women have allowed you into their… good graces. Don’t you think she’d be somewhat curious about your God-given abilities? So, don’t hide it -- flaunt it.

Now, there is the possibility that this won’t fly at all, so you can test the waters with a more subtle comment, such as, “I’ve had my fair share of women, but none have made me laugh like you.” It’s a compliment, with an added implication, an implication she may immediately address with a shy smile.

“Classy jerk” may sound like an oxymoron, but if you’re looking to score, it’s good to switch tactics here and there. Besides, this won’t damage your Player reputation -- provided you don’t overuse these tips -- and if you’re successful, you’ll know there’s more than one way to skin a cat. It’s all about adding more techniques to your already-expansive arsenal, so don’t discount the effectiveness of the bad boy, the brooding artist or the various “alpha-male” approaches. No, they won’t work on all women, but not all women are the same.

the one and only,but yours truly,the undispiuted dating dated guru of the Maldives

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

She got A BF??

First I want to say that I am sorry for not posting anything in such a long time. I was long thinking about publishing this post because it is somehow evil.

It gives you an overview over the tools to attract a person that is in a relationship and to somehow manipulate her to be turned her away from her boyfriend.

I am actually writing this post because I want you to see what other people might try to destroy your relationship by getting your girl. This post is therefore designed to make you realise that especially a long relationship is not a guarantee for an everlasting relationship. I don’t want to encourage you to actually use this strategy as I said I it is evil in my eyes. I have done it and it worked over and over again but after a couple years I have realised that it is more important to know about this kind of strategy and to prevent it from happening once you have the girl that you really love.

This strategy is for boyfriends who don’t want their women to get slowly seduced by another guy out of their own arms. However I am writing it as if you would be the guy how wants to seduce another girl, because that is the position that I know best.

If you for example already know the woman for a while or you know that you would not be able to pick her up in just one night and you know that you want her as your girlfriend. If you just want to have fun for a couple nights, then U SHOULD READ MORE HERE!!! ehem...err nvm that

I always found that girls that are in a relationship are actually easier to get then girls that are not. The longer the relationship has been the easier it is. Most guys probably think the opposite. Thus I will explain you why that is.

A girl that has been in a relationship for let’s say two years is definitely missing something. If she is not then we need to demonstrate her that she is. Especially girls between 17 and 26 have a intuitive drive to experience something, some more some less, but everybody has this drive build in by genetics. It is also a fact that most guys don’t care about their girl after two years as much anymore as at the beginning. They might argue a bit more, sex is almost a routine(atleast nowadays it is), kisses get shorter and less after a couple months and the attention they give her is not as high as it used to be.

But we all know that girls need attention. Guys are kind of retiring after a couple years and think that they have the girl for sure because she is constantly bagging him for more kisses, love and attention. Thus this is exactly our chance. This is where we attack. This is where we win her over!(ohh aint u juz feeling great even thinking about it!!!)

Once you got the girl to go out with you, to spend a day with you or something else the first step is to:

1. Study her boyfriend
What does he do? How old is he? How long has their relationship been going on for? Ask her simple superficial questions first, later on try to get her to tell you about their relationship. The goal is to find out if there are any weaknesses. Do they go out a lot? Is he taking her on vacations? Is he just lying on the sofa when he gets home? Are they doing a lot with their friends? Is he creative? Those questions need to come out naturally though, don’t bomb her with exactly those questions; these are just the questions that you want to have answered for yourself. By asking her a couple questions she might even tell you her complains and that is exactly where we want to have her.

2. Demonstrate value
From now on his weaknesses needs to be your strength. If she tells you that they are usually at home watching movies, then that is exactly what you will not do! You will take her out, take her to a lake rent a canoe or take her to nice places that you know. Just make sure that she hasn’t been there with him yet. Otherwise it will just remind her of good old times with her boyfriend. She will feel like betraying him by coming there with you and she will block. Hence it has to be a place where she hasn’t been. It also always looks good if you make it look like it is spontaneous, like you just had a great idea. Maybe don’t even tell her yet were you will go. If you think about it, in a long relationship everything is usually planed, she knows how much time he has, she knows the places that he knows and there are no real surprises anymore. Therefore surprise her! Make her laugh! Make her enjoy the day like no other day! If he is more the quite guy, then be crazy! Be the opposite. Make her realise that she is missing out. Be a gentleman, be all the things that he has forgotten, fight for her! Her boyfriend is not fighting for her anymore, he is probably not opening every door for her, because he thinks he is on the save site.

Show her that there is a lot more to do in the world then watching movies. She needs to have the feeling that she is missing out when she is spending time with him and not with you. Make her realise that live can be so much more exiting, funny and spontaneous and interesting with you.

3. Don’t talk about him unless she brings it up
After you have studied her boyfriend in the first part, don’t ever mention him again. You don’t want her to think about him, in fact you want her to forget him, to just enjoy her time. If she brings him up, listen to her, but don’t let it turn into a big discussion. Just listen and agree with her. She will project all the things that he is not into you by complaining to you about him and by you agreeing with her. Just say every once in awhile things like: “Hmm, I can’t understand that”, “That is wired”, “Why would he do that?”

4. Spend time with her
This is actually the most difficult and crucial part because here you have to take care that you don’t turn into her best friend that she can do nice things with and then she goes home and gets the sex from her boyfriend. The goal is to make her as comfortable around you as possible and to make her fall in love with you. The trick is to do that without her even recognising it. I mean, if you think about it, what is the difference between a good friend and a boyfriend? It pretty much just comes down to the physical part. Hence, touch her gently every once in a while. If you walk next to her make your hand touch hers for half a second, when you sit in front of her, put her hair back, make her gentle compliments like: “Your hair is beautiful”, “I love you fingers.” – make her attracted to you.

This case is a bit different from a seduction in a bar though in a bar you need to win her attention here you already have it, you are already somewhat between a friend and a boyfriend hence compliments from you are like from some random guy .

When you drop her off tell her nice things like: “It was wonderful with you, as always”- big smile- If she tells you this then reply “Well it was you who made it wonderful, I was just the driver.” Or tell her when she just gets of the moterbike: “Hey! You can call me … anytime you want.”

Again, this might sound a bit cheesy and some other guys might disagree with me here because you could say that you are running after her a bit, well in this case you are not. You want to win her over by being at the right time in the right place.

5. Wait for the right time
Don’t make a move when she is happy with her boyfriend right now, wait for a day when she is annoyed by him, they had an argument or she is just pissed because of something he did. This will lower the chance to be rejected dramatically. She will not run off with you when she just got fifty roses from him that day. If you have done the fourth step right she might even call you when she wants to talk to you or when she is annoyed by him.

Your "evil" Dating guy

Monday, April 5, 2010

Random thoughts

1*Joined twitter yes its true.. but am still a bit confused on how to use it....

2*Have hit the dreaded writers block...I have NO IDEA WHAT TO WRITE....HELP!!!!

3*Started going to gym..again...

4*Desperately needs a coffee to get my mind right... or left...

5*Y does everyone keep telling me that i need a GF???? seriously people if i wanted one, i will have..but then again its not right just having a GF for the sake of it....

6*I need a change in ma life

7*Fort Minor, Eminem, Elvis, 50 Cent and Muse.... thanks guys for all the support you gave me...

8*Fellow bloggers... we need to meet up for a coffee or sumthin ...

9*Juz realised how horrible my writing is in this post..then again who cares...

10*Realised just seconds before that i need to write a book or sumthing...

11*would need a title for the book too...

12*"Behind every great man is a great woman."... hmm maybe i do need a GF....

13*Need to trust my instinct more

14*I still havent got the hang of twitter( seriously its been 2 hours since i started writing thios article and am playing with twitter which tortally seems to suck...or maybe am wrong? anyone care to prove me wrong?) :P

15*Just realised I dont write much about ma self in this blog....

16*Once there lived a boy... a boy who never got much love... boy who was the blend in-quiet "bas ahaa" type of boy..., he never had anyone to inspire him nor give him sucked... fastforward 10 years... "Hold out your hand" Said the boy... he had grown up now.. the girl smiled and lent him her hand..."close your eyes" and the boy put the ring on the girls finger...

Bam... "Hey WAKE UP IDIOT" the boy's cousin had hit him on the head with her purse...
The boy opend his eys.... and infront of him beyond the glass of the waiting room was an airplane.... The boy now grown.. and ready for the world...goin back to his country...

16*Y the hell have I written what I have written above....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Texting Her......

My (Ex)GF cried hysterically for an hour and swore to never talk to me again because I jokingly texted I was more attractive then her.... seriously what just happend there???

Text game is a crucial part of your seduction toolbox. (ok people this might get a lil complicated but bear with me and ask if any doubt)

Almost all of the psychological tools that are used in real life seduction can be used in Phone and Text Game (besides sex of course!). For example, attraction, comfort and even sexual escalation can be achieved by using your phone effectively.

The objective of phone and text game should be (1) to arrange a meeting (a date) and (2) to create the requisite amount of attraction / comfort / sexual tension so that the date goes well (i.e. hopefully leads to something more!).
This article will cover some of the basic principles of text game – in particular:
(1) the things that you can and should do once you get her phone number; and (2) some guidance on your first texts to her.
Seeding The Text

This is a technique that I refer to as ‘seeding the text’. Basically what it means is that you prepare her for the first text somehow. So for example, immediately after getting her phone number, you could say something to her like:
“Text me when you get home” or
“I’ll text you my first impression of you”

A good technique is also to call her the minute you get her phone number and create a fun role-play. For example, you could say something like, “Hi, this is [your name]. I met this really cute girl at the "coffee" tonight but then I started talking to her and found out that she is kind of weird and stalkerish. I’m calling because I need advice as to how to get rid of girl stalkers.” Another example is to say something like “I’ll get my secretary to call your secretary” and then to send a follow up text saying something like “Hey this is Candy, [your name]’s hot, busty assistant. Is 7:30 tomorrow OK? ;)”.

Finally, an interesting gambit that I have heard about is to use a pen and paper and to say something like “draw a picture of yourself so I can remember what you look like“ while you get her number . You can then tease her about her diagram.

Immediate Follow Up Texts

A follow up text is when you text her within 0-10 minutes of meeting her. Follow up texts (or phone calls, as above) are an ideal way to (1) get her used to the idea of texting you (2) contact her later that night for the same night lay.

Ideally, a follow-up text shouldn’t include a question so it doesn’t require much compliance from her. These types of low compliance texts are most useful when the girl doesn’t have your number yet.

As a side note, it is generally a GOLDEN RULE that she should have your number in her phone too. Don’t just take her number, put yours into her phone. Often, you can put your name as something funny like, ‘Cute Guy With Nice Ass’ or something more specific to you. That way, she laughs and is in a better emotional state as soon as she gets a text from you.

The best types of follow up text are those which involve callback humor (i.e. relate to something that was said in the actual interaction between you and her). Here are examples of some follow-up texts that tend to work well:
“How’s my favorite little brat doing?”
“It’s me, your phone. I wanted to get out of your pocket. The smell in there is unbearable. Take care.”

When is the best time to text?

Selecting a good time to text is key for two reasons. The first reason is what it says about YOU! Cool, high value guys have busy lives. You go out often and you have a fun and exciting life. So the time that you text is crucial as it should indicate that you have an awesome busy life and you’re not just thinking about the girl you met in the bar the other day. You should generally avoid texting a girl on a Thursday night unless there was some indication earlier during the day (or through the course of your interaction, whenever it was) that you may meet up during the night.

Consider it this way. Hot girls ALWAYS have something going on. If they’re hot then guys and girls are going to be calling them out all the time. Thus if you don’t catch them at the right time they may not respond to your text. For example, they may have received a text and just not replied in that moment because they are busy doing something else. They would then likely forget to reply altogether.

Therefore the best time to text is when she’s alone in her room or relaxing. The most likely times that this will be happening are:

1. 7pm Friday. There is a good chance she’ll be alone on a Friday evening.
2. 10 to 12pm any other day. Usually this is the period just after dinner but before she goes to sleep.
3. If you have to text during the day, then 12 pm – 2 pm is ideal (lunchtime!).

Texting at 11pm and 12am also has an added advantage.(please note that times vary) These times lead to bedtime. If you are the last person that she thinks about before she goes to sleep and thus, likely the first person she thinks about when she wakes up, you will resonate in her subconscious mind (beware, she may also resonate in yours!).

How long should you wait before you text? If it was a direct day approach then text that same day or the day after at the latest. Alternatively – if you met her during the night time, a text the next day may be more appropriate (unless you want to employ the immediate follow up text or phone call as described above).

This needs to be calibrated depending on your interaction.
Opening texts

Your opening text should be congruent with your interaction and the image you portrayed. In general, it’s good to have a fun playful tone with your texts.
Here are examples of easy going and fun texts that you can use:
“What’s up poster girl?”
“Hey goober/shrimp/whatever fits, I just saw the cutest little X and thought of you.
“You wouldn’t believe the dream I had last night.”
“I just met your twin”

Remember that the point of the opening text is to either bring her good emotions, make her smile, laugh or be intrigued and then compel her to write back. Most guys are too serious with their opening text and get to the invite to the date WAY too fast. The emphasis should be on being playful and fun and building or rebuilding the levels of comfort and attraction.

Situational Opening Texts – A Good Strategy For Subsequent Text Exchanges

Situational opening texts are a good strategy for the second to third times that you initiate text contact with her. They can work well to get a conversation going but you eventually need to transition them into your desired objective (which should generally be a date or meet up).
Here are examples of situational opening texts:
“If nose hairs were a sign of masculinity, the guy opposite me would be the hulk.”
“Maybe it’s the booze talking, but I want you to know that I love booze.”

These are best used when you have something fun lined up with friends already and then you can invite her out as part of the conversation.

The Structure of Messages For Setting Up a Date

If the interaction between you and her went particularly well, you may want to go directly for a date on your first text message. If this is the case, you can employ a certain structure :

1. Open with the Nickname – The purpose of the nickname is to set a fun and playful tonality to the text message.
2. Reason for text/response to their text – This is to ‘ground’ the text. You’re not just texting her out of the blue.
3. Suggested course of action/genuine question – this is what most guys text. They simply text stuff like “We should hang out”. This will cause her to react because she will basically be saying ‘yes’ to you asking her out. It will cause her to feel some small level of discomfort and she will feel like she’s on the spot.
4. Random statement to disguise weight of previous sentence – This is the key to disarming her. Put in something that is random that distracts her so she can have fun with her reply whilst still saying yes.

As an example:
Hey cutie / shorty / rabbit / whatever name you called her

I was thinking / What you doing?

You know we should really hit [that place you spoke about in your interaction] / Have you ever been to Cafe Casanova?(lol ) / I’m busy Thursday and Friday but we should grab a drink on Wednesday.

P.s. Do you like (a certain band)? / P.s. what’s your view on Marshmallows? / Ever wondered who would win in a contest between a rabbit and a smurf? / More importantly, do you have a geeky side?

The principle is that by reading the last line of your text (the random/funny/intriguing statement) she’ll smile, laugh or at the least be interested in your text and then reply your text.

Your Text loving Dating guru