Monday, December 28, 2009

To Give A Hickey Or Not Give A Hickey.....

Alrite...phew after I had to spend over an hour getting my ex to stop being mad at me over something I had done in a dream she had,I decided to block her for all of eternity...I knew its time... time to update here goes

Once upon a time there lived darkey and..ahh forget it hehe lets get to the topic shall we?

Angel:hey i saw a red mark on my neck near the collorbone…did u give that

Darkey:yea hehe maybe soo ;)


thats a small part of a phone call i got from my gf Angel.. now i knew about the red marks and stuff..but dint know how to exactly give it..anyways latter about 2 days latter today to be i counlt give her a red mark…it was a bit frustrating at first..soo angel showed me how… and by the ned of the day there were many marks given to her from me…it was like my own signature on my gf..hehe what better way to say that she is mine ….anyways i did a lil research and found out a bit more about them… here are the details below

What Is a Hickey?
A hickey is actually broken blood vessels beneath the skin. It’s sort of like a bruise, if you got hit with a baseball and the impact broke the blood vessels. But instead of being caused by a foul ball, it’s caused by the other person’s mouth.

How Do You Give a Hickey?
What you do is put your mouth against the side of their neck, in a kissing shape. You leave your mouth slightly open in the middle, like you’re saying the letter “O”. Now you suck in! You suck the skin into your mouth, in essence hurting it, and causing the blood vessels to break. This turns that circular area bright red. It doesn’t take long, maybe 30 seconds.

If you really aren’t good at suction, you can nibble with your teeth. But that is really a last resort, because now you’re not giving them a hickey. Now you’re just gnawing their skin to make it red.

Yes, giving a hickey hurts the person you’re doing it to. You’re breaking their blood vessels! But to some, a hickey is a temporary mark of love. Sort of like a red tattoo that fades naturally after a few days. It says “This girl (or guy) trusted me enough to let me damage their throat, one of the most sensitive parts of the human body”.

Who Gives a hickey, the Boy or the Girl?
That’s like asking who kisses who! Hickeys aren’t a male or female thing. They’re an “I was Here!” thing, sort of like a mark of pride. So either the girl or the guy can give it to each other. It’s sort of a primitive way of saying “This boy is mine!” or “This girl belongs to me!”

Where does the Hickey Go?
Hickeys are marks of possession, so most people put them on the neck where they’re nice and visible. Also, a hickey is caused by lips breaking blood vessels and that’s easy to do on the sensitive neck. It’s less easy to do, say, on the sole of someone’s foot. Plus, nobody would see it there. Sure, you could put a hickey on someone’s upper inner thigh, but unless they were wearing a swimsuit, nobody would see it. You might as well draw a smily face with magic marker :)

How Long does a Hickey Last?
A hickey is a bruise. Just like any other bruise you get on your body, it will fade when your body heals. There’s no set rate. Some people heal quickly, some people heal slowly. It all depends on your own body. You must have been bruised before in your life! So you know how long bruises tend to last …

How do I Hide my Hickey?
A hickey is put there to show up! It’s a mark of I-Was-Here. Why else did you get a hickey on your neck? But let’s assume that some wild hickey attacker got to you and now you have to hide the evidence. Again, it’s a bruise. It won’t just vanish with warm water or cold water or lukewarm water. You can get make-up concealer and try that, to cover it while it fades away naturally. Wear turtlenecks or scarves. If you tend to be a really slow healer, take vitamins and eat healthy food so your body has half a chance of healing up well. Stand in dark corners :)

more to come

Your loyal Dating Coach

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Random thoughts...and Eye techniqe (not naruto stuff guys,,,hehe)

here i am listening to de "five star collection" as my cuz says..been a while since ihv updated this...

hmm life's busy these days...ingae ehnu dho job kanthakuga sometimes busy vaane dho... anyways fun stuff are there too like nutty people from both DRP and MDP "ehvanings"..

It's quite entertaining actully.. like an encore from this parlimentary race which juz finished exept we still aint sure who finished first or last... ahh what am i saying? this aint like me... ehme ehem *shifts to date guru mode* :P

Ok dear is the time for u to request for an article since am knda haviung that allinment called "writer's block" or sumthing like that... so if u have any bright ideas for an aricle (dating relatd ofcause..) juz let me know by de comments here...

ok here's a lil "Usefull for anywhere" thing u can doo

but first da Requirments:

1*U have balls

2*U are not blind

3*Ur not gay

Anywhere, keep your flirting eyes out for the woman that comes in alone. She is usually the easiest to meet and pick up. She is there for a reason and you can be the lucky guy to fulfill that reason.

Also while walking, keep that sexy looking gleam in your eye. Literally try to melt women with your eyes. If you make eye contact with a woman, make sure you give her a friendly smile and if she is close enough to you, simply say, “Hi.” That is all it takes and with practice it will come easy.

If you make eye contact with some woman across the way from you and she turns away, don’t give up on her. Try to make eye contact again and smile at her. If she smiles back, approach her immediately. This is an opportunity that must not be passed up because it’s an open invitation for you to come over and introduce yourself .

Whatever you do, don’t stare at a woman. This is impolite and nobody likes to be stared at. Just look at her long enough to make it quite clear that you see her and then immediately look away. What you are saying with your eyes when you look at her this way is, “I know you are there and I would not dream of invading your privacy.” Just keep looking at her off and on until you establish some meaningful eye contact and exchange smiles.

What really amazes me is these guys sumtimes don’t even flirt with women. They just stare into space or look down at the floor. If they do accidentally catch the eye of a woman, they look away as quickly as possible and let it go at that. They just don’t know what they are missing and what they are missing out on is picking up women.

So my friend, if you’re like this, make it a point to stop staring into space and start flirting with women. Flirt with every woman in sight. It’s a lot of fun and you will be attracting more women than ever before.

and yea I'll end this with a lil quote from a kwl song by MChammer/Crazy froG


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How to Get Through Life" list (for guys [mostly])

ok here goes!!

Stage 1: Sperm

Swim like hell.

Stage 2: Pregnancy

Eat like a sonofabitch. Kick like hell and start tugging on shit like gangbusters if you hear about abortion.

Stage 3: Childbirth

Get out alive. Keep your eyes and nose closed so you don't remember what your mother's vagina looks or smells like.

Stage 4: Infant

Look cute. Eat. Shit. Repeat.

Stage 5: Toddler

Things have been pretty chill up ‘til now. Outside of the sprint towards your mother's ovaries, you've mostly been maxing and relaxing, having your every need attended to hand and foot. Unfortunately, people now expect you to start doing shit. The first thing you need to learn is to behave. This can most easily be achieved by doing whatever your mother or father tells you to do, which on a side note, tends to totally suck.

On top of that, the ‘rents are going to count on you to at some point learn to use the toilet. Daunting I know, but for the better in the long run for all of us, trust me. Also, we're getting to the point where you have to learn to walk. It kinda sucks because once you start, you'll be expected to use this newfound skill basically all of the time, for the rest of your life. Revel in your lack of responsibility by watching copious amounts of cartoons and learning to mess with your sisters,mum or any female(sure helps to understand the female mind at this stage).

Stage 6: Childhood

Learn to cope with others and continue with your finding newskills quest.

Stage 7: Adolescence

Unless you're the girl who got her boobs early or your parents are really fucking rich and you have every video game on earth, this is no doubt going to be a pretty tough time for you. Simply put, it's an awkward stage in life, what with puberty setting in and all that. One of the things you have to keep in mind during this period is that it sucks for everyone. I don't know if that really helps you, but it sure makes me feel better!

On top of this, the one-time homogenous structure of your social circle will begin to cleave off. Allegiances will be made, trysts formed, and cliques initiated. Choose your alliances carefully. You should also try and carve out a niche for yourself--jock, Goth, Da gahdaa. It doesn't even really matter what you choose because in a couple of years you'll regret it anyway. On top of this I would suggest using what little newfound freedom you have to accrue some porn to fuel your masturbation habit.

Stage 8: Teenager

Don't die.

The best way for me to sum up being a teenager is to that you're going to think you know everything, but in reality you are a fucking idiot and you know nothing. What's funny is that everyone from parents to guidance counselors to just about anyone else are going to attempt to relate this to you in a much subtler fashion over and over and over again.

You can trust me when I tell you it will fall on deaf ears, because like I said earlier, to be a teenager is to be a fucking idiot. So with that in mind, your one and only goal during this time should be to not fuck up to the point that you die or seriously debilitate yourself. Cheers!


Yay your headaches are now over...NOT!!! Now comes the part where u have to get a reputaion for yourself in the community in either a good way , cool way or a bad are somepoints which i would recomend for all u out there

1. Seduce as much as possible.I mean comeon it's the prime of your youth dont waste it... Even if you're not in the mood, don't like the girl, or are too fucked up to make rational decisions, this is THE TIME to get this sort of thing out of your system, so please, for gawd's sake, have at it.

Eventually, many years from now hopefully, you're going to find a girl you love and maybe, just maybe if you're looking for "true love" or a complete fucking idiot (same thing) you will want to settle down and be with her and her alone for the rest of your life (read: insane). The last thing you want is to be stuck with one woman forEVER whitout having your fair amount of fun time,and u being her BIATCH!!!!

2.Have fun, i mean seriously this is the time of your life..have fun,dont do drugs and drive safe..

Stage 10: Adulthood

Holy. Fucking. Shit. The party is over. You thought things were rough when I told you that you had to learn to poop? This is where the going really gets tough. In essence what you have to figure out at this point is just YOUR WHOLE FUCKING LIFE. You see, they lied when they told you that you had important decisions to make about your future when you were in school. Then they lied to you again about it when you got to higher education. None of that shit matters now for the most part.

What the fuck do you want to be when you grow up? That question in itself used to contain such boundless opportunity that it was an adventure just thinking about the possibilities. The problem is, there are only a few answers you can actually give to this question, and they all suck.

On top of that, let me add that you'll now be responsible for yourself. This means two things: pay your bills and don't get arrested. If you can mange those two items, you're pretty much straight until you hit middle age.

whats next? ahh i dont know u tell me!!!!!!!


Monday, April 20, 2009

25 Things NOT to do....

It's a bit long but highly recomended.....

1) FIDGETY MOVEMENTS AND TIGHT SHOULDERS AND TAKING YOURSELF TOO SERIOUSLY OR BEING TOO BUSINESSLIKE OR "SOPHISTICATED" (not laughing or being relaxed) = very visible subconsious (or conscious) self-doubt, overcompensating through non-relaxed state, where you're prepared to deal with anything that could happen. Ever met someone who doesn't blink when you talk to them?

2) TALKING TOO FAST = worried that people will stop listening to you unless you get out something that will interest them before they leave

3) LAUGHING AT YOUR OWN JOKES = covering up that you aren't affected that others didn't laugh, and social nervousness

4) SAYING "RIGHT" OR "YOU KNOW" AFTER STATEMENTS = seeking validation that what you said was true, or saying it because others aren't

5) STANDING WITH LEGS NOT HALF A METER APART AT LEAST = worried that you'll infringe on other people's personal space

6) TALKING TOO SOFTLY OR LOUD = fear that you'll impose yourself on people and their personal space(ie: beta).. alpha males aren't afraid to project their voice.. YET, talking obviously too LOUD can also be seen as OVERCOMPENSATING. Just like guys who wear GENERIC clothes are trying to fit in, or guys who wear OUTRAGEOUS clothes are trying too hard to overcompensate. (hint: be careful with peacocking(dressing to impress), find a style that doesn't come off this way, which can be tricky but is still very doable).. Some guys don't talk, some talk too much, etc etc.. Find appropriate balance through trial and error, which is determined through social observation,

7) MOVING YOUR HANDS AROUND WHILE YOU TALK = trying to keep the attention of the group (sometimes can be cool, but most often a form of qualifying yourself)

8) LEANING IN *or* 'PECKING' = too eager to talk.. NEVER lean in no matter how loud the environment is MAKE HER LEAN IN or just leave but NEVER lean in or "peck" as its also called.

9) FACING BODY/FEET TOWARDS HER BEFORE SHE EARNED IT = trying to gain rapport with her too eagerly.

10) CHASING WHEN SHE WALKS AWAY = hoping she'll listen. If a chick moves away from you, move your bodylanguage MORE away from her, so she'll be drawn back.. don't CHASE her... WTF?!@?!?


12) ANSWERING QUESTIONS TOO QUICKLY/EARLY = too much interest in the conversation

13) TURNING YOUR HEAD (OR "SNAPPING") WHEN YOU'RE ADDRESSED = too eager to be in convo.. so if your head is facing the other direction, and a girl says something to you, turn it SLOWLY to her, don't snap it out of eagerness to hear her

14) GOING BACK TO A PRIOR THREAD THAT WAS INTERUPTED AT THE FIRST CHANCE/BREAK-IN-CONVO THAT YOU GET = trying too hard to impress them.. (ie: when a thread gets broken off in the convo, and you go back to it FIRST chance you get when the other topic ends, you look like you were WAITING to get back to it.. WHY are you so eager to get back on it, unless you don't feel comfortable around the person and you need to qualify yourself to them?) WAIT until THEY say "what was that you were saying before?", and THEN go back to it.. if it doesn't happen, *DROP IT* even if it was good.

15) NOT APPEARING MORE INTO YOUR WINGMAN THEN THE CHICK = trying too hard to pick her up.. you've known your wingman longer than her.. why do you pay more attention to her than your wing???

16) TOO EAGER TO PAY ATTENTION - SAYING "what?" IF YOU CAN'T HEAR HER, PRIOR TO BEING IN RAPPORT = too much interest in what she's saying.. if she mumbles, just STACK OPENERS into an entirely DIFFERENT topic, RATHER than saying "what?" This is fucking KEY KEY KEY. If you say "what?" you'll lose her unless you're already past attraction and into rapport. If this happens, just run a new opener and change the topic. 1- you don't look too eager, 2- you look alpha for being disinterested in what she's talking about which helps anyway

17) REPLYING WITH OVERLY THOUGHT-OUT OF LOGICAL ANSWERS OR WITH OVERLY CLEAR/FORMAL PRONUNCIATION = being concerned that you won't be accepted unless you convince really well (eg. HB: why did you ask me that... RIGHT = I'm talking. (sit and stare) WRONG = because I really need to know since I've been thinking about this for a while.. the FIRST one conveys that you won't qualify yourself to her)

18) TAKING TOO MANY SENTENCES TO STATE AN IDEA THAT COULD BE STATED IN LESS SPACE = qualifying yourself. "Remember Guys, don't write what you can say, don't say what you can wink, don't wink what you can smile" TIGHT. The shorter you can explain something in, the more PROFOUND you'll appear. Why? You're not qualifying yourself. (ironically I'm massively guilty of this, due to the fact that I post when I'm really tired - see #21 to spot what was wrong with this last sentence)

19) BEING BOLD INSTEAD OF CONFIDENT = that you know that you can't pick her up, so you compensate with self-defeating actions so that the snub can be on "your terms". Saying "I'm sexy right?" or "baby I want some of that" or even just approaching when the logistics are totally unrealistic is too eager, because a CONFIDENT person wouldn't feel the NEED to say these kinds of things.. these things are symptoms of OVERCOMPENSATION for INSECURITIES.. which leads to..........

20) OVERCOMPENSATING INSECURITIES = fear of not being accepted. Have you ever met a janitor who the first thing he says is "money is over-rated.. I would never get caught up in the corporate world" blah blah.. if they'd have just said "I'm a janitor" and LEFT IT AT THAT we wouldn't have even THOUGHT that anything was wrong with it.. but because they INSTANTLY start overcompensating, it comes off as overcompensating or qualifying. Same with if they BRING IT UP TOO EARLY. Like "hey, I'm Steve.. I'm a janitor and I love it".. They're TRYING to be cocky but it comes off as COMPENSATING. BE COMFORTABLE WITH YOURSELF. If you're BALD, don't say "would you love a bald man?" as a joke. It's not COCKY.... its BOLD. If you're bad looking, don't say "don't you think I'm sexy". Just be comfortable with yourself, and don't bring up the issue at all.

21) OVERCOMPENSATING FAILURE OR SHORTCOMINGS = fear of being judged.. if you do poorly on a presentation, or on a sarge in front of a wingman, or on a test, DO NOT SAY DUMB SHIT LIKE "I'm really tired". EVEN IF you're ACTUALLY really tired, the mere act of saying "I'm tired" comes off as QUALIFYING yourself to the person. Just don't bring it up. If you have shitty clothes on, don't say "I have nicer clothes at home." Just don't bring it up. If you meet a girl when you're dressed bad, don't say "I have the coolest clothes at home" Just don't bring it up.

22) GOING BACKWARDS IN THE PICKUP ON HER SCHEDULE = too eager to lay her.. if you've already GONE THROUGH the whole "let's ballbust(sayin funny shit about each other) and shit test eachother" attraction phase of the pickup, and you're now in RAPPORT -> if she tries to ballbust you at this point then just WITHDRAW ATTENTION. DO NOT BALLBUST BACK. It seems COUNTER INTUITIVE, but once you've gone through that whole little attract phase, and you're now being nice to eachother in rapport, DO NOT let her rewind the sarge(interaction,pickup,"bitun kaairee jehsun",etc" by answering her ballbusting with ballbusts of your own. Just withdraw attention, to show that you're not interested in going BACKWARDS in a sarge.(holy shit....i cant explain all this..try using a dictonary people..)

23) WAITING FOR HER IF SHE LEAVES FOR ANY REASON (LIKE SAYS "I'M GOING TO THE WASHROOM, WAIT HERE) = too eager and into the convo.. if she goes to the washroom, make sure you're into another set by the time she gets back.

24) OVERLY REMEMBERING DETAILS ABOUT PAST CONVOS = convo means too much to you, because the person has unusual value to you (ie: a hot chick). Of course, I'm not advocating to be a total dick, but the general rule of thumb is that if you wouldn't have remembered a not so attractive chick or a GUY saying it, then don't remember the hot chick saying it. If some random dude said it and you would have remembered, then FINE. If you were in an unusually intimate convo that's also fine. But otherwise FAKE forgetting, even if she's a model and you remember every word. Even forget her name. If you see a random chick from your class or work, but you never talked to her, OPEN LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW HER. Don't give into the temptation to say "we work together". Just open like a random chick, and maybe if you get snubbed then pull out that card to save face, but only as a LAST RESORT.

25) OFFERING TOO MUCH ABOUT YOURSELF TOO *EARLY* = Being mysterious helps... hehe thats all for this one...

ahh whew..this is too much ..even for me.... i know some terms which i used are un familier... if u have trouble understanding do comment about it...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The GirlFriend Test!!!!!!

"To be my girlfriend (or lover) is a prestigious and exclusive thing. There's a test."

Curiosity being what it is, she will want to take the test. There are three multiple-choice questions. Take out a pen and write the correct answers on paper and place in her palm.

1. Which do you enjoy more? A shower or a warm bath?
2. What is the sexiest food? Whipped crème, chocolate syrup or strawberries?
3. What feels better? Kisses on your neck or nibbling on your ear?

The correct answers are bath, strawberries and kisses on the neck.

If she gets the last question wrong: "I can't be with you if you really believe this (nibble ear) feels better than this (kiss neck)."

If she gets it right: "I'm glad you like this (nibble or kiss). It is so much better than this (kiss or nibble)."

Whether she gets them right may or may not matter to you. I usually don't care but I have been known to walk away from a hot girl when she got a question wrong. She will also respect you for putting the interaction at risk. You are further demonstrating you are not just accepting any girl.

Willingness to walk away..makes u the prize and damn attractive to women.

PS:u guys can also use and make this test to your own likings.. :)

Have fun!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Art of Listening....

How would you like to be better with conversations and have friends and girls enjoy talking with you more?

How many times does someone tell you their name and a second later you forget it?

How many times does someone tell you something then shortly after they have to tell you the same thing?

Well you've heard it time and time again: Listen!

You may think you are listening to them and holding on a good conversation but odds are you really aren't processing what the person is saying unless you ACTIVELY LISTEN AND PROCESS what they are saying.

It is so rare that people do this that when you actually do it, it makes a difference and people can tell.

99.9% of the time we are thinking about what WE are going to say, rather than what the other person is saying.

One of the biggest things I've learned that has led to my success socially is that people love talking about things they are passionate about or have a view on. This could be a favorite sports team, a hobby, a current event, or any number of things.

After enough practice actively listening you will be able to easily identify topics that you should cherry-pick and will be able to easily thread conversations.

Even the shyest person opens up when they are talking about something they enjoy. From then on, YOU'RE IN!

Whether you actively listen when talking to friends, girls, or new people you meet, people will enjoy talking to you and having someone actually listen and be interested in what they are saying.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Magic Love Spells?

It's a lil long ,funny and a true story..

It all began that night...

3 guys..late night coffee with the usual talk about,Hornyguy(goes nuts over gals) and Niceguy(typical afc dude)..

Hornyguy:hey gimme the number of a chick dude!!
Me:Y dont u juz ask for it directly?
Niceguy:lol he chicken for that..
Me:listen..what if i told u of something which will definitely work..

ok at this point of the convo..i decided to mess with hornyguy..teach him a nice lil lesson..

Hornyguy:u sure it will work..
Me:Dude..i showed u what i can do last night(did a couple of spooky magictricks and he went harewire lol)
Hornyguy:Oooo...but it must work...
Me:ofcause it will..ok listen up..first of all get some white sand..i need it for the spell..
Niceguy:*silently laughing his sorry ass off..*hey umm guys i gotta go pick my gal up..c ya latters..
Me:ok..hey Hornyguy better get goin.. i need the whitesand before sunrise..u got about 4 hours left..

20 minutes latter hornyguy returns with da sand..

there i preformed the fake ritual of reciting sumthing which really actually sounded like"bitun,bitun ,hes kiyaafa bitun,bitun nei bitun,bitun huri bitun,bitun naahedhiulhey bitun,sambalm,mirinda,sprite,coke,fanta,redbullpower gold,masdalhu..."(cant remeber the rest) good thign i was wispering to the sand..and after the "kiyevun" i spit on the sand and told him to go and pour the sand on the doorstep of the girl who he wanted to "setkuranings"..

And he went..poured the sand on the doorstep.. and waited,waited and waited..and there stepped out the girl who he apparently fell in love with..she looked right at Hornyguy and gave him a loving smile..which made his heart skip about a couple of beats..

lil that he know that she was looking at her boyfriend(ohh the twist in the tale)..alas he came running and told me the whole story(his version that is..)

hornyguy:ey varah salhi..setvehje..hama ma fenuneema hot smile ehves dhin huvaa varah obi..ey dhen set vee dho ..."
Me:nah 2 more tasks yet to go...
Hornyguy:TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!(practically screaming)
Me:ok u take this bilai gandhu on which i have writen the rest of the spell..also sum all u have to do is chew it up till it all becames dont think u can do this...
Hornyguy:no..tell me plz...
Me:oh..u chew it up until its red and u have to walk right up toher and spit it on her face..think u can do that(at this point i was sure he wounlt do that until..)
Hornyguy:no i can!!gimme that*snachs the "bilai gandhu" and walks away..leaving me laughing...

Ok at this point i know it's mean goin up to a wall and spitting on her face with a colourful "rai kulhugandhu"..but hey he gotta be taught a lesson..hmm so where were i ohh yea the fun part...

lets hear the next part right from Hornyguy..a couple rounds for him chicks and dudes!!
"As i walked towards the house,my heart was beating like a doublebass drum on a cradle of filth concert.there she was talking with 2 of her cute friends..but she was like a rose among grass such was here beauty outbeauting her friends(ok here i was a bit confused about the "outbeauting" part and had to look in a dictionary).As i walked up to her i started to chew the bilai gandhu faster and faster to make the colour became bright iwalked the last steps towards her..she turned as if she knew and lokked into my eyes and my head random thoughts were goin on like"holy cramaba shitthundering baboons holy fuck Yea Baby i Like it!!!muhahahha"
With a deep breath i "karukahaalanings" and collected all the magic bilai mixture and spit with all my might..and i swear to God almighty..she and red were a perfect combination!! we both would have a red wedding with a red theame..with red roses..and suddenly a bight light and BAMM!!..
i blinked my eyes a bit and realised i was lying on the ground..she was therelokking down at how..imediatly i remeber the line from "friends" :who the,what the,how the, who the,what the. quote Ross..
I got up and asked her.."dint anything happen..dint u feel anythinmg special.." She looked at me and smiled..this time is was a evil smile..And then She said "here feel this" and kicked me in the nuts..."

There u go.. I wouldn't have believed it..if i havent seen it yes.. me and Niceguy was standing in the distance laughing out asses off..i mean like u all should have seen the look on that guy's face when the girl punched him after he spit on he learned his lesson..Dude if u ever read this u know way to a girl's heart is by taking "shortcuts"

Hope u all enjoyed the story

Oh yea morale is:"Never make a girl who is wearing a cast angry or u might get knocked out!!"


Monday, March 23, 2009

Trip to Kuda Bandos for Bloggers and Friends

[image not aquired yet]
Woulnt it be fun to meet up in reality for a change...know some people wanna stay hidden under the name..but it sure would be fun if we all(those who could atleast)meet up...

So i call out/invite to all bloggers out come have sum fun..(girls u can always bring juz an idea people..

what i propose is this friday(27th march) to kuda bandos..those intrested and not..juz let me know with ur comments or juz contact me at 7529456..chandha is around 80 per head..and yes u can bring friends..:)

PS:20 PEOPLE ALREADY CONFIRMED!!!!...n yea no calling me at midnight


Monday, March 16, 2009

Antidote for the "Too Old/Young for her?" syndrome

Whether a woman thinks I'm too young or too old for her doesn't matter to me one bit because...

Years ago a friend of mine taught me a few short words that not only circumvent the objection but also... generate massive attraction inside women.

He was in his mid thirties yet had a penchant(liking) for really young girls: We're talkin' late teens to early twenties.

But as soon as he started flirting with a girl she'd chirp, "Dude, how old are you? You must be my dad's age."

So he racked his brain and came up with something that's not only pure genius but also... fall-on-the-floor hilarious.

If a twenty-one year old girl objected to his age, he'd say...

"Did you know girls age faster than guys? Take models, for example. They peak at like seventeen. By the time they're nineteen they've passed their prime. They're middle aged. You're twenty-one, making you sixty-three in girl years"

When a woman told me that I was too young for her, I'd say this exact line but add...

"You're practically a senior citizen... Don't take this the wrong way but I'm an active guy and don't think you could handle me with your cane and all... I should introduce you to my grandmother, I think she's more your speed."

Do you know why this generates attraction in 90.2% of women?

Stay tuned for my next post to find out

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

hey people got sumthin for ya...Guess what the cookie jar is.. :P

I like girls
They like me
They look so good
In their Seven jeans
Told you to be the one
And my only
I wanna be faithful
But I can't keep my hands out the cookie jar.

My hands, my hands, my uh my hands
Can't keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Can't keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Can't keep my hands, my hands my hands out the cookie jar.

You see I got this problem
I need help tryna solve it
Cos meeting after meeting and I'm still a cookie holic
You can hide them, Imma find them, on the counter, in the closet
And I'll say I ain't do it with my face covered in chocolate
My girl be setting booby traps
To catch me eating Scooby snacks
I left crumbs in the bed once
But I told her I was through with that
She still don't be believing me
And I guess that I'm cool with that
But I got a sweet tooth, that'll never come loose
And the truth of the matter is.

I like girls,
They like me
They look so good
In their Seven jeans
Told you to be the one
And my only
I want to be faithful
But I can't keep my hands out the cookie jar

My hands, my hands, my ha uh my hands
Can't keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Can't keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Can't keep my hands, my hands my hands out the cookie jar.

I got a thing for Milano, Biscotti Italianos
And I never turn down some Oreos if you got those
Butter Pecan Puerto Rican,
Or them Oatmeal Raisin Asians.
Hazelnut Brazilians,
Macadamia Caucasians,
Double stuffed or thin mint
It don't matter you gettin' it
Cos I got a sweet tooth that'll never come loose
And the fact of the matter is.

I like girls,
They like me
They look so good
In their Seven jeans
Told you to be the one
And my only
I want to be faithful
But I can't keep my hands out the cookie jar
My hands, my hands, my ha uh my hands
Can't keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Can't keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Can't keep my hands, my hands my hands out the cookie jar.

I'm a monster for these cookies
I'm a beast for they're treats
An animal for they're crackers
Head to feet they so damn sweet
Can't keep my hands, my hands, my ha uh my
Can't keep my hands, my hands, my hands out the cookie jar.

And then you have it haha
I tried my best
I went to cookie anonymous
I guess I'm a failure
I can't seem to keep my damn hands out the cookie jar but,
It is what it is

Thanks to gym class heroes for the song, Google for getting me the lyrics & Naxal for showing it to me ^.^

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Coffe with DarkCasanova..

Hey Guys n back but only for a day people.. am heading toward addu tommorow nite which is thusday nite,march 5th... So what i am proposing is a Coffee Hangout tommorow..i know it's a short nortice n all but those intrested juz let me know okies.. really miss blogging..i know it's not even one since i went but since am gonna be again away for a while i say we should hangout... not juz cause am goin but i think it woulda be fun for all of us to meet up(shadowrunner u can like wear a disguise to protect ur identity...)... anywax this my last post for about a week..

PS:Contact me at 7529456 if no picking de fone then juz msg me people!!! ^^(no calling me from 2 am to 8 am cause i might be a bit "busy" or juz sleeping like baby)

Your peeps aclaimed social dynamic/dating guru

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Away for a while...

hey everyone..wanted to say that i wont be here for a while will miss u guys and ofcause my lovly female fans..(u gals know i love u all v much :P)

ps:shadowrunner coffee ah daan vaane after i come back!! anyone else intrested juz let me know!! bye tc all ..bas ahaathi ingae huri haa kudhin..


Saturday, February 21, 2009

How I deal with Rejection!!!

ps:above pic have nothin to do with the article :P
I never used to be able to deal well with rejection. Now that I think about it, the possibility of rejection used to control my actions. I’d be lying if I said that I still don’t have a fear of rejection to some degree, but I think it’s now within a manageable level.

Here’s what I do:

If I ever get rejected, which rarely is as bad as you picture it, reframe it.

You’ll notice naturals doing this. If a girl doesn’t respond well to you, ignore it and move on. I noticed my friend, who is extremely good with women, doing this the other night. He did his little dance move that he always does at this house party (hitaanakurun)and the girl didn’t respond. Instead of it effecting his state of mind, he moved on and ended up dancing with his now girlfriend.

It’s all about how you frame the situation. He could have easily said, “That girl didn’t like my dancing, and therefore me.” But he instead just wrote it off, didn’t dwell on it, and moved to the next girl for success.

Heard this before?

“I’ve got a boyfriend.”

This could be a form of rejection. Instead, why not reframe it?

“Are you happy with it?”
“Looking to upgrade?”
“Would he care if we started hanging out?”
“I’ll tell you what, how about we go out once, and if you have more fun with me, you can break the bad news to him.”

And a personal favorite:“I got a pet cat(or watever u can add here),u dont see ME BRAGGING about it!!!”

see how fun it can be right?? :p

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Licence to Seduce!!!

I bet you don't even think about all the skills you are using when you drive your byke/car. "It's simple" you say. You hop on ur byke or car, and ride/drive to your destination.

Big deal, right?

But think back for a second:

Your first driving lesson.
The first time on the road/highway.
First time parallel parking.
Your driving test.

Every time you drive on the road, you are using multiple skills, simultaneously, to not only reach your destination, but also to avoid horrendous accidents. Your eyes check the mirror, the speedometer, the gauges, you make sure to stay in the correct lane, you are watching the other traffic, both in your direction and the opposing.

Well, let me tell you something- when an "average" looking guy goes up to an attractive woman who is a complete stranger, and he walks away with her phone number, or with her herself, you can be sure he's got a drive, if you will.

He can ride right into the territory of a beautiful woman, without causing an accident, a crash, or a breakdown, and then travel into her mind, conveying who he is, so that she will want to join him as he drives away.

It looks like nothing, because his skills have been so integrated to the point of it being instinct- he doesn't even think about what he's doing, it just happens. The first thing that you must realize is that YOU are driving here, NOT HER. So she's not going to do your job.

If you are wearing stinking clothes, or out of fashion clothes, if you need a lesson in basic hygiene, if you don't ensure you have fresh breath, trust me, SHE IS NOT GOING TO TAKE CARE OF THIS FOR YOU.

This is like putting SLUDGE into your gas tank and expecting your byke/car to move. Nobody cares if your byke/car doesn't work. They're not going to fix it for you unless you bring your byke/car in and pay for it.

It's YOUR cyke/car, your responsibility.

YOU are on/in the driver's seat.

And when you approach a woman, no matter what happens, no matter what her reaction, it is up to YOU to take her mentally where you want to go. Let me tell you something, if you go up to a woman in a public place where she is NOT expecting it, you can't expect her to just say "HERE I AM, TAKE ME!".

If it was THAT pathetically easy, EVERY GUY would do it!

Let's face it- it's not typical social convention to do this. To just "go up to a woman". AND THAT IS A GOOD, GOOD THING. Because by NOT following social convention, it shows you have GUTS.

Women LIKE that.

It ALSO is more romantic for a woman to have a man SPONTANEOUSLY approach her than for her to have a formal introduction. It's far more impulsive and thrilling when a man sees a woman and just goes right up to her. So even though a woman may give you at first a slightly defensive reaction, like her eyes widening a bit, RELAX.


This is to be expected many times.


She is looking to YOU, the MAN, to show her that you are NOT PSYCHO, and ALSO that you are A SEXY, COOL, CONFIDENT MAN who does NOT give up at her natural defensive reaction. One of the things you can do to lessen her fear, is to approach her with a funny TEASE. It's hard to be scared and laughing at the same time. One of my favorite lines to ask a woman who is walking somewhere, "Hey where do you think you're going?" and no matter what she responds, tease her on it.

Remember, it's not the line, you can come up with thousands of your own lines, it's the attitude you convey. TEASING also prevents you from looking like a desperate man trying to kiss up to her. Your BODY LANGUAGE conveys much of your message as well- if you are SMILING the ENTIRE time you are talking to her, she will feel that she already has you hook line and sinker, and so there is nothing left for her to work for - you've ROBBED her of THE JOY of trying to IMPRESS YOU.

After all, she doesn't HAVE to try anymore, since you've indicated with your constant smiling that she ALREADY HAS you. Instead of giving a woman ALL THE POWER in the interaction, I recommend you HOLD ON to some of it yourself, and let a woman EARN the rest.

For example, who says you have to FACE A WOMAN COMPLETELY when you talk to her? Even though usually, you SHOULD look at her, and you should NOT have darting eyes, the principle of holding on to your power can even bend this rule if you understand how it works. But certainly, you DON'T HAVE TO ACTUALLY FACE HER WITH THE REST OF YOUR BODY.

Although here it was a perfectly natural thing to do, most guys would behave as if "Well, it's a pretty girl, I want to show her my respect and interest so of course I'm going to look at her- I don't want to lose her by not looking at her'".

Women WANT men, but they DON'T WANT what they ALREADY HAVE. When you give all your power away to women, they KNOW that they
already have you. This is why it is so crucial to be more cavalier with women, especially when you first meet them. Any nervous gestures, erratic or rapid body movements all show her that you think she is the greatest thing on earth and that you value yourself as being below her.

Usually, after a bit of a tease, she will be more relaxed, if not, continue to be calm and cool, and DO NOT TURN INTO AN APOLOGETIC SCARED CHILD.

Instead, tease her again with some humor. You don't HAVE to tease her, you could just make small talk- if you use the RIGHT VOICE TONE, the RIGHT BODY LANGUAGE, the RIGHT FACIAL EXPRESSIONS. I could say the word "Hi" in at least 50 different ways, to convey anything from total insecurity, to total confidence, to a combination of a mischievous sly smile with a tone of naughtiness.

Do you see how this can work?

Once you have a woman warmed up, to the fact that you are NOT a psycho, and that YOU ARE a masculine, cool guy, I recommend that you have a bit of small talk to help make a connection between the two of you- i.e. what she's getting in the mall, or where she's coming from, or where did she get that interesting hat, or button, etc, etc, etc. If the conversation is really going great, you can arrange an INSTANT DATE right then and there- tell her you both should discuss some more over a coffee.

After your little instant date, at the bare minimum give her a hug and if she holds on, give her a kiss. AGAIN, your voice tone, your body language, all must convey that you are totally relaxed and calm and IN CONTROL....WOMEN NEED TO BE LED BY A MAN, they are REPULSED by the idea of THEM leading YOU.

You don’t have to go for the "Instant Date", you could instead just tell her to give you her email, (or number- I believe email is practical and easier for everyone to reach each other these days at their convenience- plus she doesn't have to worry if you are psycho).

And no matter what, don't worry about the consequences of your approach- if she digs you, great, if she doesn't, big deal, there are thousands of other women waiting and wanting for a cool guy like you to approach them. And as your skills get better, you'll notice that the real question becomes who do YOU select to go out with.Wont that be good for a change?? :P

Saturday, February 7, 2009

RAPE!!! O.o(Warning:do not read this if u were a victim of rape or if u are a extreame beardie)


Okay I was dating this girl. Long story short she invited me over to her place to show me the new "tv" that she had just purchased (it was a 50 inch plasma). She put on her all time favorite, "Heart Breakers." Anyways the movie was soooooo boring (no offense to the ppl who like it) I was just soo bored out of my mind.

I decided to mess around with her.(now now dont judge me ok...) I started kissing her neck/ears/pretty much everywhere. It got to the point where she was just so excited that she started writhing and breathing heavily. Then I had the brilliant idea of just getting up and leaving. That's right, I got up and left (or tried to anyways).

She looked at me really confused and was like

Her: wtf?! wtf do you mean you have to go?
Me: I just remembered, I have to go a friend's place..haha sorry, maybe another time..
Her: ..... *frown on her face*

As I was walking about, she grabbed me by the arms and literally tackled me down.

Her: Fuck that, your stupid friend can wait, you're not going anywhere!

Holly crap, it could have totally been considered rape if it was the other way around. hahaha she was good though, so I let it go..

and couple of hours i walked out of that house with my shirt buttoned up in the wrong holes (lol only knew after I got wonder people were starting at me in a funny way)..

Has anyone had something similar happen to them? :P

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thank u Star

thanx start for the sweet picky thing card like poto u sent me ..and as i told before am gonna put it here on my blog.. so here it above..

then shukuru ahda kuran beynumee DarkCasanova ah lavakiyan daas visaakaa mis ashaa,wjeeh sir ashaa,dhon madam ashaa, dhen chickun ge kanthah thah das koh dhin hurihaa chickun nashaa..

then mi blog read kuraa hurihaa kudhin like example Shootingstar,mini,cute kat princess,angelica,shadowrunner,n amnay more..

kuriah oi thaneh gaa ves dating world ge stuff nerey ne kamuge unmeedhu dheefa vahsalaam...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Reasons Why Kissing is Good for You

Is kissing good?
It helps prevent tooth decay (better than brushing your teeth?) Dr. Peter Gorden, Dental Advisor at the British Dental Association, explains. “After eating, your mouth is full of sugar solution and acidic saliva, which cause plaque build up. Kissing is nature’s own cleaning process”, he adds. “It stimulates saliva flow and brings plaque levels down to normal.” I asked my dentist and after he blushed, he agreed.

It relieves tension. A passionate kiss is a great relaxation technique, says stress consultant, Michelle Kay Mcnabb. ” When your mouth is in a kissing position, you are almost smiling and as our emotions and body language are so closely linked, it’s almost impossible to smile and feel tense at the same time,” she explains. “Also, your breathing becomes deeper and your eyes close when you kiss; that’s what you do when you relax. It’s a perfect way to shut out the world.”

It helps you lose weight.– just how long can you do that? You need use 3000 calories to lose one pound, i.e., 30,000 minutes, 500 hours… “A long kiss makes the metabolism burn up sugar faster than usual,” says Claire Potter. “The calories burned depend on the intensity, but you can rely on 10 calories for every 10 minutes.”

It slows the aging process. (That’s important! ) “Kissing helps to tone your cheek and jaw muscles, so they’re less likely to sag,” says Cosmo’s Fitness Consultant, Claire Potter.

It increases fitness levels. (Okay, now there is really no reason why you can’t start some exercise now). “Your heart is pumping, your pulse is racing…”If kissing is exciting, you release adrenaline into the bloodstream and your heart pumps more blood around your body,” says Dr. Susan Hotchkies. “It’s a great cardiovascular workout.”

It’s a good indication of what’s to come. (Make sure he or she is not married, please ). Kissing a new guy gives you the perfect opportunity to check out his pheromones - the chemical messengers that signal sexual attraction. ” The first kiss is always a good way to work out if there’s any chemistry between you, “says Paul Brown, a sexual and marital therapist. ” In humans, it’s thought that smells plays a vital part in subconscious attraction, and if your pheromones aren’t ‘in tune’, you’re unlikely to hit off!

It boosts self-esteem. (Just make sure you have a good dental insurance and be careful with braces on your teeth!) There’s nothing better than a passionate kiss for a major dose of feel good factor. “In theory, when you’re kissing, you’re happy. And when you’re happy, you feel good about yourself,” says psychotherapist Paul Zeal.

Now don’t just go around kissing anybody!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sick...../home work for de girls :)

yes people... am sick..your loyal dating advice giving guy is sick...this is tortally not like me..i am like dont ever get sick..maybe one a year or sumthin...eyes are red with water coming outa them non stop..looks like i am crying..which is wierd cause i cant remebr the last time i cried...very top it all that i got tons of stuff to do and meetings to attend wiht me being a vice prez of an ngo and ith the work on the magazine which me gonna relase with a couple of friends... life's busy...but this stupid cold like sickness have no place in my schedule...anyways..GOT SUM HOMEWORK for u gals....(damn my writing also.."ACHOOOOOOS" sux...)

Homework:cheer DarkCasanova outta his sicknes..

LOL well it's not that hard cheer me up anything would for example send a e card or sumthin..i know u gals are very creative in stuff liek that...
And i'll be posting the best "cheer me up" thingy here on my blog..i'll give a couple of tips..

1*If u wanna send sumthin juz send it to my personal mail addy:

2*i love bright colours..

3*sweet n simple means a lot...

4*dont send a love note plz..

5*love yummy food(this one's not nessasary but who knows..:P )

ps:wish i had a shweet gf to take care of me "snif snif...AHCHOOOS"...excuse me...

with lotsa love n hugs

Monday, January 26, 2009

Nice Guys or Bad Boys..u decide...part 1

First, I'm going to ask you to consider something, then I'm going to give you some homework.(yes sum freakin homework if u ever wanna get good with women).before i go on.. I'm here thinking..y do i even bother with this?I mean most readers of this blog are female and here I am giving advice to guys on them LOL..(girls do comment on this point ok)...:D


This time is all about ACTION!

Here's the thing I want you to consider first:

I was reading an article on AOL titled "What's Wrong With Nice Guys?"... here's a little quote from the article:

"...Do Women Date Naughty Guys but Marry Nice Ones? This notion sounds an awful lot like the irritating good-girl/bad-girl distinction that men continue to make. Still, it does contain a nugget of sense. Since women truly are conditioned to be "good girls," sometimes we feel uncomfortable with or guilty about that pure burning "I must have him!" feeling. That's why we sometimes seek out a bad boy to serve as the object of these desires, says Cleveland psychotherapist Belleruth Naparstek, creator of the Health Journeys series of guided imagery tapes. "In order for the deliciousness of pure lust to be 'okay,' it has to be for the symbolic bad boy who has nothing to do with the rest of your life. With him, you can crank up your animal impulses, worry-free," she says...."

Interesting, isn't it?

Now, I personally disagree with the idea that women "seek out" Bad Boys because they need somewhere to "project their guilty lust"... and I disagree with the idea that there's something "wrong" with the fact that women are attracted to Bad Boys...

But the point is that the "mainstream" psychology and behavior world is starting to accept the idea that women are ATTRACTED to "Bad Boys".

It will probably be another ten years before anyone with a degree puts two and two together and says, "Hey, maybe women feel ATTRACTION towards Bad Boys for natural, evolutionary reasons, and that's why Bad Boys are considered "sexy"...

Hell, maybe I should say it... Oh wait, I already did..


Point is, there's something to the idea that woman don't feel that powerful GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for "nice" guys who chase after them and kiss up to them

Women do, on the other hand, feel that magical emotion called ATTRACTION for BAD BOYS.

Of course, I don't believe that you MUST be a jerk, or abuse women in order to make them feel attracted to you. There's a much better way... for THE HOMEWORK...

I want you to do the following with the next 5 women that you talk to over the next few days... (these should be women that you would be interested in dating!!!):

1) Smile all the time.

2) Be very nice, cordial, and friendly. Use no sarcasm, and don't tease.

3) Act as if you really "like" the woman you're talking to... and as if you're "interested" in her.

4) Give her lots of compliments.

5) Optional: Politely say, "You probably have a boyfriend, right? Can I take you out sometime?"

Pay careful attention, and notice how the women respond to you.

Now, I want you to try something different with the NEXT 5 women you talk to...

1) Don't smile very often.

2) Pretend that you've known her for 20 years, and that you're TOO comfortable around her. Tease her for something that no one teases her about... like the way she dresses, etc.(like Kindergarden hehe)

3) Pretend that she's interested in YOU, and has been pursuing YOU, and that you're resisting her. Make jokes about it and say things like, "I just don't think things are going to work out between us".

4) Give her NO compliments of any kind. If she gives you any say, "That's a cheesy pick up line. Can't you think of something more original?"

5) Optional: Say, "Hey, do you have email? Good. Write it down here..."

...and pay attention to the difference.

If you really "play it up", you'll notice a HUGE difference between the first five women you talk to and the next five.

During the first set of five, when you're being a "Nice Wuss", you'll see the looks on the women's faces that say, "Oh no. Another guy who "likes" me. How can I get rid of him politely?..."

During the SECOND set of five, you'll see the women opening their mouths with the "half smile, half oh-no-you-didn't-just-say-that" look. You'll feel a TENSION in the air. You'll notice that some of the women will actually look at you as if they can't believe what they're hearing.

If you're particularly sharp and funny, you might just have one or two of them say, "I like you... we have to hang out sometime" within the first few minutes of the conversation. By the way, you will NEVER hear that when you're playing the "Nice Wuss".

(SIDE NOTE: I once went out with some friends and while taking pictures of them, I overheard this girl talking to her friend. I took what she and her friend were talking about and I teased her about it... And within no more than 60 seconds the girl was saying, "Ohmygod, I like you! We need to hang out sometime..." - Really.)

Do your homework! And have FUN while you're at it...:P

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Get her sences activated with scents 1

first of all there will be a second part to this post...will be realeased soon(am trying hard not to give too much..cause it's like giving dynamyte to children u know lol)ok..well here it is...

One area that guys don't take advantage of enough is the power of smell with a woman. Scents and smells are very important to them, and it's been scientifically proven that women are much more sensitive than men to odors.

One of the most important reasons scents are good for engaging a woman's attraction for you is that your sense of smell is connected to the most basic part of your brain, the part that was formed long before your ability to reason and think. This was because our early ancestors had to be able to react quickly to scents on the wind that could indicate a threat, such as a predator.

Smells have a way of bringing back memories. Have you ever had the experience of smelling something and having a complete flashback to something you remember from your childhood? It happens all the time, and it's even more potent when you've associated a smell with something, like the smell of burning leaves in autumn, or the smell of homemade pizza. These smells evoke a state in us that pulls us back to the experiences we had with that smell.

I've walked into old houses before, ones that were humid and smelled of old bread and tea, and I had these flashes of walking into a ancient house(u know house made from those coral rocks n stuff) and the same odors there. It's a little freaky how real it feels at times.

The way you use this with a woman is to find out what scents she indulges in when she wants to relax, or get passionate. I find that getting her into a candle store, or a bath-and-bodyworks type store(island spirit?) is the best way. You get her to smell different things, and notice what she prefers. Vanilla is usually a good scent that you can almost bet she'll like.

Scents for women can usually be broken up into two categories: musks and floral. Musky scents are like heavy perfumes, like Obsession. Floral scents are the ones that are, obviously, more like flowers. If she wears any kind of perfume, you can tell which she prefers by smelling what she's wearing.

Take care with your choice of cologne. One tactic is to find out what cologne her dad used to wear and use that, but I find this strategy highly variable in terms of the response you'll get. Better to choose the cologne that she remarks on and likes. Make it a point to put on too little rather than too much. You want her trying to get closer to you, not running and gagging from the smell. Have her give you a critique. "Hey, I just got this new cologne, but I'm not sure if I like it. Tell me what you think." And she'll have to lean in close to you to get a whiff. If she likes it, she'll be back for more.Axe is one good one...atleast their ads are :P
(And don't go cheap on your cologne. It's worth it.)

Hot spots
The best spots to apply cologne are the areas of your body that produce the most body heat. Body heat "activates" the cologne, increasing the strength of the smell and making it last as long as possible... while colder areas of your body tend to dull the smell and make it disappear more rapidly. To achieve maximum results when wearing cologne, apply it to the following body parts : Wrists, neck, arm pits, and behind the ears. When using a cologne spray, do NOT spray behind your ears, spray it onto your hands and wipe it on... the last thing you want is to smell like you took a bath in your cologne. Another added bonus of putting cologne behind your ears is the fact that when you are somewhere with loud music/noice girls tend to talk into your ear so you can hear them... and when they do they will get a nice gentle whiff of your scent.

When you can get her sense of smell engaged, you are taking a shortcut to a part of her mind that responds in an almost primal way. She can't reason or rationalize with it. You can get her in a state of your own choosing by choosing the right scent.

ps: Vanilla lotion works like a charm.. :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Something different....

oK!! normally i dont do this ..

i mean putting lyrics on my blog..

anyways this one is dedicated to that special girl i am bound to meet one day..

dont know she she is where she is or anything...

an also to all the female readers of this blog.. thanx for the wonderful comments :) n u know we all should meet up sumtime for a coffee or sumthin dho...

the one n only
DarkCasanova :P

I never felt nothing in the world like this before
Now I'm missing you
and I'm wishing you would come back through my door
Why did you have to go
You could have let me know
So now I'm all alone

Girl you could have stayed but you wouldn't give me a chance
With you not around it's a little bit more than I can stand
And all my tears they, keep running down my face
Why did you turn away

So why does your pride make you run and hide
Are you that afraid of me
But I know it's a lie what you keep inside
This is not how you want it to be

So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do
I'll wait for you

Been a long time since you called me (How could you forget about me)
You gotta be feeling crazy (Crazy)
How can you walk away (When)
Everything stays the same (The Same)
I just can't do it baby

What will it take to make you come back
Girl I told you what it is and it just ain't like that
Why can't you look at me
You're still in love with me
Don't leave me crying

Baby why can't we just, just start all over again
Get it back to the way it was
If you give me a chance
I can love you right
But you're telling me it won't be enough

So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do
I'll wait for you

So why does your pride make you run and hide
Are you that afraid of me
But I know it's a lie
What you're keeping inside
That is not how you want it to be

Baby I will wait for you
Baby I will wait for you
If it's the last thing I do

Baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do
I'll wait for you
I'll be waiting

hope u like it...cutz

n yea more dating n relationship stuffs coming ur way.....

Being a Rockstar ...ROCKS!!!!

First of all, you are the shit.

You take care of you're appearance, just like any other rockstar.

You're not intimidated by others, they're intimidated by you.

You treat everyone around you as a fan. They're lucky if they get to meet you.

Girls are just part of your rockstar lifestyle. You don't let them get in the way of your achievements.(Unless she is de one :))

You're calm, confident, and aren't afraid to get what you want in life.

now now.. before all of u send those swheet lovly comments..this is all a mindset :)

Works ok for sum gives like an arrogent a$$h0le kinda feel like personality..

PS:Am not a rockstar but am a magicion :)..

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Goodbye to a bad year n hi how u doin to a new year :P

lats year sucked...well atleast for me yea.. it sucked..big time!!! juuz a few good times i can rember like the saff championship n mdp wining the presidential race...

i dont know....but hey life goes on

New year resolutions for me for 2009

*Do a magic show(yes people am a magiction)

*Became a better person(ofcause am nearly perfect but hey still a bit more for improvement)

*Have a steady relationship more than one month( yes!!! no kidding about this one..any girl reding this tell me pulz..y does girls nowadays juz want sex i mean comon cant we juz not juz a sausage with feet u know..i got feelins too...)

*cant think of one rite now...minds kinda blank but will add up as i think of stuff