Darkness closing in...if only he knew a magic trick that could help him get though this...He didn’t count off as he held his breath, there was no point, for he didn’t need to know
when his limit was approaching. Humming in his ears,the last pocket
of air was gone in a flash, fully consumed by the deep sea water, no time to think about that, his heels were made of iron, his back and shoulders made a fine jack for which nails and boards were no match, he could hear a voice telling him to move it, his thighs was unspeakable, that sound, was that nails beginning to give way, his head
was about to burst, he went beyond his limits, to where he smelled gunpowder, and
saw a crowd of thousands out there in the Palace, some worried, others chanting “push
push push,” and beside him, quietly, there was a woman. She was beautiful.
I’m sorry you’ve been hurt. She touched his scar. Breathe with me.
He said something, he didn’t even know what, and with a strength he didn’t
actually possess he pushed.
8 years ago