Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The SOI Technique

The Wedding Cake : Just how many girls want to be there up with you? The Prize...

The power of this technique is not the words themselves, it's that you're making it explicitly clear from the moment you say it, that you find her attractive and are into her.

The whole purpose of "game" is to reach that point. Some guys do it through humor, some guys do it through sexuality. Some guys do it as the nice polite guy offering romantic gestures.

Whichever route is taken, the destination is to get to the point where it's clear that YOU DIG HER. Not in a supplicating way, but in a lustful, intimate, desirable way.

Failures and rejections happen when guys beat around the bush, over-game instead of mirroring her interest-levels, or don't have the confidence to finally reach THAT POINT where you make it UNMISTAKABLY CLEAR that the reason you're interacting with her is because YOU'RE INTO HER.

Somewhere in your interaction with the girl, you'll get to a point where the natural progression is to verbalize this to the girl. The name for this is something you already know... One of the most common, and under-rated social dynamic events: the SOI.

When you SOI a girl, don't do it as a way to seek rapport. Don't do it as a way to seek approval. Don't even do it as a way to make her attracted to you. Simply do it because YOU DIG HER, and you are communicating this openly and confidently. Once you lay it out there, you have immediately dictated the TONE of the dynamic between you and her.

You can SOI her in the opening phase. You can SOI her in the closing phase. You can do it anywhere in between. There's no rule to it. It works organically, based on the rhythm of the interaction. Whenever she really has you fired up for her, that's when you verbalize it.

She's not a fucking mind-reader(nor are guys). Don't drop hints either, this isn't a game of "Clue". It's natural for the girl to drop hints. It's not natural for males to behave that way. Express yourself. Show your passion. Demonstrate your strength of character by not hesitating to show your cards.

When you SOI a girl, don't expect any kind of response, because that will create anxiety or even disappointment. Don't expect any kind of "magic" to happen because of your words, either. In fact, don't expect anything.

Just say whatever you feel.

SOI her. And when you do it, don't tiptoe it in. Say it confidently, and matter-of-factly. Like pulling a shiny golden-egg out of your pocket and setting it down in front of her. You just put it out there and watch how she responds, knowing full-well how powerfully valuable it is.

Then just GO WITH THE FLOW of whatever happens next.

When you do this genuinely and without expectation, you pull the girl into a reality where she sees the possibility of passion and romance with you.

This immediately seperates you from all the other guys in her life. You suddenly place yourself into a completely new category.

Like putting rose-colored glasses on her, she'll immediately look at you in a new way.

How she responds can be one of a million ways. Whatever you do, don't RETRACT or try to COVER UP your SOI. Don't make excuses for how you feel. Don't hide how you feel. And especially don't qualify yourself to her afterwards. Don't try to "sell yourself" to her.

Your SOI's should be delivered in a "this is how I feel, take it or leave it" manner. You put the ball in HER court.

Then: you move on. Change the subject, if you like. Or tease her on her response, if it's funny or cute. Whatever you do, don't let the momentum sit there and die.

Treat it like a bump in the road, one that you INTENTIONALLY drive over. You bounce over it, then you KEEP DRIVING. You LET HER be the one to ask "..did you feel that?"

In other words, in most cases she'll respond with "..wait, what did you just say?"

Remember, don't over-game. This isn't about "what do I say if she says this? How do I respond if she does that?". Forget about that.

What's the whole point of the SOI? Do you remember?

It's to bring the dynamic to THAT POINT, where it's clear that you DIG HER, that you are ATTRACTED TO HER.

She KNOWS what you just said. She heard it. Her question is not there because she wants you to explain it to her. She's asking it because you took her by surprise. Now her mind is going through a huge shift where her whole perspective of you is instantly changing.

You've brought her to THAT POINT.

Once you've brought the interaction to that point, you shouldn't be worrying out how to continue gaming from this point.

You've put the ball in her court. Now all you have to do is behave as if this was the way it was supposed to happen all along. As if there were no other direction that things were going to go.

And continue as before. You can behave the same way as earlier, only now all your behavior and statements will be processed through a new, more positive, more attraction-fueled perspective in her mind.

Your confidence, combined with the non-chalant, carefree, fearless and expectation-less delivery of your SOI gives the opposite of a sense of finality.. It creates a sense of BEGINNING.

Like, the beginning of a steamy relationship. Or a night of passion and ecstasy.

You have to understand that girls really WANT to be brought to THAT POINT with a guy. Nothing is more thrilling for her.

Most guys never get to THAT POINT. They hint at it, or try to find that point through the friendzone.

Girls go on dates with guys specifically to find a guy who knows how to bring the dynamic between him, and her, to THAT POINT.

Make THAT POINT something that RADIATES FROM YOU when you interact with a girl. Everything about you, your body-language, your voice-tone, your eye-contact, your words.. Everything should vibrate in a harmonious tone that creates a bubble around you and the girl, where she is engulfed in the reality of THAT POINT.

Where she knows that with you, it's not about this, or that, or whatever. With you, it's all about YOU AND HER simmering at THAT POINT of mutual interest and attraction.

This is the purpose of game, to get there, and to play there. Everything else is just moving sideways.

Your Dating Guru

Friday, March 19, 2010

25 rules of Wisdom : Mafia Style....

The Lone Piece: To win, sometimes you have to step in the darkness yourself/blend in and adapt..

The other day, I was sitting down with some younger members of my crew dispensing advice (as I always do) on the ways of the world and how to last longer in my business and maintain smart habits. One of the young stunads in the crew was so captivated by what I was saying that he suggested I write a book to teach others my "rules of wisdom."

Now, you'll never see a published book with my name attached to it (this blog is already too much), but it got me thinking about a good topic for an article. Why not teach my readers the same rules of wisdom I teach my Family?

So, I wrote down the 25 most important rules you need to remember. Now, I can't take credit for many of these; my mentor Salvatore (Sal) taught me most of them, and Sal probably had someone teach them to him. Obviously, some of these rules go back 100 or even 1,000 years, but if you think I'm going to do the research to find out who said what, you've got another thing coming, cafone. So here goes.

1- Even the boss must get his fingernails dirty.
Don't make the people under you do things you haven't done or aren't willing to do. Once in a while, I'll go out into the field with a trusted capo of mine to send a message to my crew. If you're a leader, then lead by example. How can anyone argue with you then?

2- A handful of luck is better than a mountain of wisdom.
OK, this one isn't Sal's or mine for that matter, but it's still an important rule. As smart as you can be, there are always things in life you have to be prepared for. Even a wise man can slip on ice. Don't underestimate the power of being at the right place at the right time.

3- For every one word you say, let your enemies say 10.
Sort of like Rule 8 (you'll see it soon, shut up), but I like to emphasize this point by saying that the more you reveal to your enemy, the more weapons he has to hurt you with. Let your enemy talk because information is power, and information can destroy.

4- Cash is cash, even if it comes from an elephant's stomach.
When you have greenbacks in your hands, there are no maybes, no ifs, no credit checks, no anything. A check can always bounce, a credit card is for suckers, cash is always cash (which is why my establishments only accept hard currency).

5- Never reveal 100% of anything to anyone.
If you have a great idea on how to become a millionaire, or another great idea never tell anyone all the details of your plan. Always hold something back, reveal only 75% or 90% of the plan if you have to. It protects you and ensures that your great idea stays yours.

6- Never make a decision when you're angry.
Smart, careful men realize they must have a clear head to think. When you're angry, it's your boiling bloodlines that speak for you, not your logic. Control your emotions. This is one of the most important rules there is. When you're angry, you make threats you often can't deliver on, or decisions you come to regret. Don't say I didn't warn you.

7- A man is nothing without his word.
One of the few things even a poor man has is his word. Your word should never be broken. Always keep your promises (you should never make promises, but I know how some of you clowns can't stop yourselves). The minute someone doesn't trust you is the minute you lose them.

8- Keep your mouth shut. If you have to lie, keep it short and simple.
If you don't have anything smart to say, don't say anything at all. Even if you have something to say, don't say it, you just end up revealing something to the other person, giving them more ammo to shoot you with. If your mouth stays shut, mistakes go the way of the dinosaurs.
If you lie, there's no use in you coming up with some conspiracy theory. A short and sweet lie is easier to defend (and remember) than some elaborate story about how some transvestite got lipstick on your tie.

9- The best way to dodge an enemy's bullet is by never being in a position where he can hit you.
Don't put yourself in a position where you can get in trouble. Avoid being put between a rock and a hard place. Never be in the same room with your enemy and he'll never have a clear shot at your head.

10- When you can't win a war by playing fair, bend the rules. Better yet, break them.
Unless you're some salami who's as motivated as a slug, you always want to win. Winning doesn't mean you have to play by the rules. It means winning. If you want to get ahead in life, you have to learn the rules of the side-game. Those who run this country learned this rule a long time ago.

11- Never forgive betrayal.

12- Whenever you're in doubt about whether an enemy should respect or fear you, always choose fear.
Respect is great, fear is better. Machiavelli made this one famous. Fear is a better deterrent than respect; fear will stop an enemy in his tracks more than respect will.

13- A woman's anger can always be subdued with a diamond ring (and a man's with sex).
Is this a sexist rule? Who gives a damn? If a woman gets a diamond, she should shut up and be happy (it worked for Americanos, it should work for us). As long as my wife doesn't change, this rule will always apply with me. For men, I always tell my crew: A good night with a mistress will clear your head.

14- Behind every great man is a great woman.
Just because I tell you to follow Rule 13, doesn't mean that you should disrespect your wife. You need the stability of a great woman to be great. A man without a family can never be a complete man. A mediocre wife will always stop you from fulfilling your potential.

15- Nothing lasts forever.
Whether it's love, good fortune, success in business, your looks, or your hair, nothing lasts forever. This one is self-explanatory.

16- Never give a tip to someone who isn't looking.
Whether you're in a bar being served by a hot waitress don't give a big tip if; A) The waitress isn't even looking at you or going to know it's from you.

17- If you go to war, always strike first. Strike hard, and hope it's the only strike you need.
When a conflict or fight is inevitable, always strike the first blow. You will knock your enemy off balance, and if your blow was strong enough, you could knock your enemy out completely.

18- Peace is only a prelude to war.
Never be complacent. Just because everything is going great in your life now, doesn't mean it always will. Always be ready for the worst, even if you don't live as though the worst is actually happening to you.

19- Have a priest on call if you choose to be a careless man.
If you're not careful, or at least cautious in your actions or words, you're doomed to make your wife a widow or torpedo your career.

20- When in doubt, follow your gut.
Instincts were given to us so that we can make a decision when all the elements in a decision-making process aren't obvious. Listen to your gut, it'll save you more often than it'll hurt you.

21- Man appoints, God disappoints.
I never quite understood what this meant. Sal used to say it all the time, and I would just nod my head even if I didn't know what he was trying to say. I don't even think Sal knew what it meant. Still, it sounds good.

22- Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.
People always misunderstand this saying. It doesn't mean you have to be best friends with your enemy, it just means you should do everything in your power to keep tabs on your enemy. Have someone you trust in his organization. Know his moves, predict his thoughts, and capitalize on his weaknesses.

23- Overestimate the time something takes, and underestimate its rewards.
Even the best plans sometimes don't come to fruition (yeah, big word, I know). Most of the time, we have to work to get something, and that means being patient. Overestimating the work and underestimating the reward will never leave you disappointed.

To make money, you have to spend money.
I hate greasing all these corrupt politicians, but most of the time, I makes me 10 times more money as a result. Don't be afraid to spend money if it will bring you more. Take a loan at the bank if you have a great idea for a business. Pay a good employee a decent salary. Pay for expert advice. If you are a smart businessman, you will always come out on top.

25- Lucky is the man who suffers humiliation in front of others, for his revenge will be sweeter.
If someone ever embarrasses you, make sure he gets a good laugh; make sure people see this embarrassment because the memory will eat at you until you get your revenge. Too often, people don't retaliate when they're humiliated. Raise the stakes, and you'll have no choice but to return with a vengeance.

That's enough advice already.

Watch your backs and keep your noses clean.

......DOn DarkCasanova.....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Seduction : A Game...

It's all just a GAME.

o The more you play, the better you get.

o If you fail, you simply start again.

o You are the main character, the Sonic, the Mario, the Megaman.

o As you progress, you upgrade. Better clothes, better physique, better weapons to beat any girl that you come across.

o There will be obstacles, just like any other game.

o If you win, you get rewarded. The rewards are limitless.

o Its the greatest game you will ever play.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

That Look!!!

Ever get a disgusted look from a girl? Did it just CRUSH your confidence and make you wither like a delicate flower being cooked in a microwave?

Some guys call this "the look". Alot of guys say "just push past it! She's testing your confidence!"

Other guys say "that means you blew it. just eject and find another girl."

My advice? Stop thinking. By CARING about "the look", you're reacting to HER reality. Don't. Why should you? How does her expression have any importance to you? She's just another girl that's going to be making out with you later in the evening. <-- A solid history of closes(good experiances) will hammer this mindset into you.

Pull her into YOUR reality, where you are the king of the world and every girl worships you. Supersize your confidence.

note to any girl reading:Its just a mindset :p

Just keep going. A year from now you'll be like "why the fuck did I care about "the look"? LOL. I was such an insecure bitch back then. Now I see that the stronger MY reality is, the more girls succumb to me."

Inner Reality DICTATES Outer Reality.

You LITERALLY decide HOW she responds to you, based on how YOU react to YOURSELF.

To be honest, I don't even get "the look" anymore. All I get are bedroom eyes. That just comes from internal confidence.. and exuding value, instead of seeking it. I'm the same person. I just feel, and think, differently.. and that makes girls act differently.

This will fix itself for you the more congruent your actions become with your beliefs. If you're acting like SuperPimp but you're feeling like KindaPimp, the disconnect is what's making girls give you negative responses. They can sense a Sheep in Wolf's clothing from a mile away.

Feel like SuperPimp all the time! This is purely a mindset, so it's entirely in your control. You just need to give yourself permission to be awesome.

What's stopping you? No excuses!!!

Note to girls: Above are mindsets just mindsets.... some guys have it some dont... am just helping those who dont :P

Your Dating Coach