I make no excuses for my desires as a man.
I move through this world without apology.
I like to satisfy women.
I don't need any particular woman, I am not needy. Women are abundant.
I do not supplicate to women because they find it unattractive. Rejection is a good thing. The more I get rejected, the more I will get laid.
I learn something every time. Every rejection becomes a brick in my palace.
I do not dwell in the past. The past can not be relived, good or bad.
I have a wide range of options in how I choose to react to other people. The choice is mine.
Attitude – Part 1
You have to want this more than ANYTHING. If you don't, there's no point in going on.
Confidence says – Hey, I'm something pretty special that's worth a close look. I know this based on my preparation, skills, and past successes.
Cockiness says – And I'm so confident, I can walk right up to you and have a good chance at winning you over. Oh, and while I'm a nice guy, I'm not worried about what I say to you or messing up. If you thought the ball was in your court, think again.
Arrogance says – You are inferior, if you don't give in to me, you are an idiot.
Confidence is great. A little cockiness is sometimes attractive. Arrogance is not.
If you present her with a dozen roses and she slams the door in your face, then move on. Guess what? You still have the dozen roses in your hands! Give it to some other fine woman who appreciates it!
Confidence is not something you think about, it is the way you are. It is a state of mind, a character trait. Ideally you feel so good and natural about it that the word "confidence" never pops up in your mind. The only way to develop confidence is to talk to as many HBs as possible, without any intention of trying to "hook up with her". Talk to them, say ‘hi', say ‘are you having fun?', say ‘Hi, are you the sort of person I should get to know better? Yes? Why?'. Then walk away. That WILL build CONFIDENCE.
Alpha Male
The alpha male is dominant. He's not an asshole. He's the guy who chooses women. He's having fun and he's confident. The alpha male isn't a condescending jerk.
Model the alpha male. What are his qualities? To me, an alpha male is:
Qualities of the Alpha Male
Is "The Man"
Hard to please
Unemotional, slightly serious. Gives smiles and laughs as rewards.
Talks slowly, deliberately. Enunciates.
Doesn't ask for things.
Is not afraid that others might not like him. Yet, is likable.
Is busy …
… and ends conversations, dates, etc. They are not ended for him.
Is comfortable hanging with hot women.
Motivated to seduce
The alpha male doesn't ask permission. And he doesn't give options.
Keep trying. If you give up easy, this isn't for you.
You are moving forward on the path to Fulfillment. The only reason you are moving forward is because you are trying. Mistakes mean nothing in the end! If she rejects you, she has taught you something. There is no failure, only learning.
Try multiple girls, you will get blown out unless you can manage them all while being honest.
persistence = desire = strength
Stalking = neediness = weakness.
Work every day at this!
Keep trying. There will be plenty of failures. You are pushing past the edge of your comfort zone. You are living 100%, unlike most guys out there who have learned "their place".
Your one n only
8 years ago
rejection is also a challenge, well it was for me, just makes you desire the rejected, more and more, until you get what you want, like u have no rejections, like you said, "the more i get rejected, the more i will get laid".
like this post.
cool post. you could publish a book on this :P
nice tactics that i think do work on 99% of the girls. There'll be a part 2 right?
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