Cute girl: Stand staring at her or do something about it??
Your Dating Guru wanted to see if there was some circumstance where he simply COULDN'T meet a girl, so he kept his eyes open while driving through town, hoping to catch a cutie in her car. A lovely girl suddenly merged in front of him and turned left. He immediately snapped into "Starsky and Hutch" mode and took off after her, away from his destination.
She went two more streets, then stopped at the next red. He hit the ffront brake of the moter cyke,nearly fell over, jumped off of his ride and ran up to her window. He motioned for her to roll it down, and when she did, he said,
"Excuse me, I just had to tell you that you are the prettiest girl I've seen all day, and there's a law that says I have to tell you that."
She smiled, and he continued,
"Really, I have no choice. It's a federal law."
She introduced herself. He smiled back, and they kept talking and flirting, right there in the street, as the red light turned green.
Now comes your turn.
Here's your step-by-step how-to for stopping and dating girls on the move.
Get your pencils out. Ready?
If you're unsure how to stop her, just imagine the following. Imagine you have a car and was on fire, and you needed to stop someone to get help, how would you do it?
Your BODY knows this already. There's no trick to it. Just follow those instincts and experience.
You will have all sorts of questions and doubts and conditions running through your mind, and all sorts of reasons not to do it.
My personal favorite is "I don't have the time right now." So make it simple for yourself. You are taking 30 seconds out of your day to see if this cutie is a good fit for you, no more, no less. You can always afford 30 seconds, right?
And you never know when the best opportunities are going to pass by, so you need to be ready all the time.
If you detect a little more agitation and fear rising up in your gullet than you can handle, try this little trick to get it done.
Let her move away from you. Wait just a second. If it's a store, let her go. If it's a street, let her keep walking.
Wait just long enough that you think you may have lost her, and then…
Get it in your head that you are on a mission to find and meet this girl. Make her your Girl of the Day, the one you just have to meet no matter what the situation.
This is the kind of sh*t superheros do.
That's you. You should hear crazy theme music pumping as you pursue, knowing that no Dr. Doom, Lex Luthor or Loch Ness Monster can stop you.
The more you have to pursue, the more real it will feel when you finally catch up to her, and the more sincere and confident you will be when you catch up to her and say,
"I know this is a bit random, but I had to meet you."
Now get out there, chase 'er down, and put a smile on some womens face. You may just put a big fat grin on your face in the process.
Still dont get it?
What happened???
Guy see girl. Girl be moving. Guy want stop girl.
Guy stop girl.
Ugh. Words make head hurt.
Yes, it is that caveman simple. But only once you know the approach that gets her stopped, gets her interested, and gets her there with you.
You've heard of Newton's 1st Law. A body in motion tends to stay in motion.
What Newton didn't say was that's even more true when the body in question is a smokin' HOT body!
But there's more to this law. I know. I Googled it to be sure.
A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
Guess what? You, mi compadre, are the "unbalanced force."
Isn't that a great frickin' phrase? Just think that to yourself the next time you are just having a blast and someone asks why you're having so much fun.
"I'm just an unbalanced force of nature, babe'!"
OK, back to our physics lesson.
So you now know you can stop her. But how?
When you see a girl that attracts you, make meeting her the the priority of your day. Don't worry about how you are going to stop her, what your body language is like, or any details like that.
Don't be thrown by any excuses (she's on a cell phone, wearing an iPod, walking away down the street). Just make this real — stopping and talking to you for 30 seconds is the most important thing in her day.
You giving her a chance to meet a confident, sexy man is the most important thing in her day. And in yours.
All across the universe, women respond to decisiveness and confidence more than anything else — more than money, looks, fame, or nice cars.
Your Dating Guru
8 years ago
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